From: (Alex Safonov)
Subject: LISA 96 - program
Date: 1996/07/19
Message-ID: <>
X-Deja-AN: 168922645
organization: University of Minnesota
newsgroups: umn.cs.gradst

          10th Systems Administration Conference (LISA 96)
                   September 29 - October 4, 1996
                 Chicago Marriott, Chicago, Illinois

       Sponsored by USENIX, the UNIX and Advanced Computing 
      Systems Technical and Professional Association and SAGE, 
                 the System Administrators Guild

Dear System Administrator:

Every year, systems multiply and networks become more complex.
You are expected to be at the forefront of technology and manage
this increasing complexity while keeping critical functions
operating at peak performance.  At the 10th LISA Conference, you
can join your community and meet with other system administrators
to find new strategies for ongoing and new support issues.  This
year's program will benefit you whether you are a novice or
senior-level guru, network admin, or even the manager of these
unique individuals.

No matter what your current issues are, you will be able to find
a tutorial, paper, or talk that will address your needs. LISA '96
will include 35 tutorials, almost twice as many as in the past
and many of them new; 29 peer-reviewed technical presentations;
ten invited talks, and the ever-popular Birds-of-a-Feather and
Guru Is In sessions. A Works-in-progress session will present the
very latest solutions being developed.  If you are very
experienced, you may want to attend the Advanced Topics Workshop.
The Vendor Exhibition will include many products that vendors
hope will allow you to work more efficiently.

LISA is a conference developed  by system administrators for
system administrators.  We understand your concerns and are
positive that this year's conference will be worth your time to

Please join us in Chicago from September 29 to October 4. We hope
to see you there.


Helen E. Harrison, SAS Institute Inc.
Amy K. Kreiling, University of North Carolina
Program Co-Chairs

PS:  Remember to sign up early for the tutorials and conference.
Besides saving up to $100, you will get your first choice of
tutorials--many sell out.

 Pre-Registration Deadline:     August 23, 1996
 Hotel Discount Deadline:       September 6, 1996

On-Site Registration   	     5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
On-Site Registration         7:30 am - 9:00 pm
Tutorial Program             9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Welcome Reception            6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
On-Site Registration         7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Tutorial Program             9:00 am - 5:00 pm
On-Site Registration         7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Tutorial Program             9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Advanced Topics Workshop     9:00 am - 5:00 pm   
Birds-of a-Feather Sessions  6:00 pm - 10:00 pm  
On-Site Registration         7:30 am -  6:00 pm 
Refereed Track               9:00 am -  5:00 pm  
Invited Talks Track         11:00 am -  5:00 pm  
Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions  9:00 pm - 11:00 pm  
Vendor Exhibition           12:00 pm -  7:00 pm  
Conference Reception         7:00 pm  -  9:00 pm 
On-Site Registration         7:30 am -  5:00 pm	
Refereed Track               9:00 am -  5:30 pm  
Invited Talks Track          9:00 am -  5:30 pm  
Vendor Exhibition           10:00 am -  4:00 pm  
Birds-of -a-Feather Sessions 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm  
Refereed Track               9:00 am -  5:30 pm  
Invited Talks Track          9:00 am -  5:30 pm   

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) allows messages to be exchanged across
public networks while protecting the privacy of the message and
guaranteeing the authenticity of the sender.  USENIX's PGP Key
Signing Service allows members to have their PGP keys signed by
USENIX, which effectively introduces the key's owner to the Web
of Trust.  To take advantage of this new member benefit, bring
two forms of identification, at least one of which includes a
picture (i.e., driver's license, passport, etc.) and sign up at
the registration desk.

Bring along your favorite story to enter in the Horror Story
Contest.  As a sysadmin, you've certainly had your share of
nightmares.  Don't spare the gory details.  Tell us about
experiences like:

  * The time a user took a troublesome printer to the firing
     range and brought it back and called the help desk.
  * The time your colleague who was fond of Dvorak key layouts
    accidentally applied his keymaps to the root account.
  * The weekend spent recovering from a carriage return typed in
  * The storm during which you discovered that your diesel backup
    power generator worked just fine, but the pump that kept it
    from flooding wasn't on the backup power supply.

Bring your stories to the Registration Desk on-site.  All entries
are cheerfully accepted and will be reviewed by the organizers.
Winners to be announced after the closing session on Friday.
Fabulous prizes will be awarded to the best stories.

LISA 96 Workshop: Advanced Topics in System Administration
Tuesday, October 1, 1996
This one-day workshop will focus on a discussion of the
latest-breaking technical issues in the systems administration
arena as introduced by those in attendance.  Attendance is
limited and based on acceptance of a position paper.
Participants must be registered for LISA.  There are no
additional fees to attend this workshop, and lunch will be

How to Submit:  Potential workshop attendees are invited to
submit a proposal of at most three pages (ASCII) via electronic
mail to John Schimmel of Silicon Graphics at no later
than August 12.  These proposals should contain a topic for
discussion, a description of the subject, an explanation of what
makes this topic controversial or interesting, and personal
position.  More substantive reports of completed works should be
submitted as refereed papers to the technical sessions.  A
representative subset of positions will be discussed in an open

Program Co-Chairs:
  Helen E. Harrison, SAS Institute Inc.
  Amy K. Kreiling, University of North Carolina
Program Committee:
  Paul Evans, Synopsys, Inc.
  David L. Kensiski, Cisco Systems
  Bill LeFebvre, Argonne National Labs
  E. Scott Menter, Enterprise Systems Management
  Pat Parseghian, Transmeta
  Pat Wilson, Dartmouth College
  Elizabeth Zwicky, Silicon Graphics, Inc
Invited Talks Coordinators:
  Rik Farrow, Internet Security Consulting
  Kimberly Trudel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Guru Is IN Coordinator:
  Steve Simmons, Inland Sea
Works-In-Progress Coordinator:
  Adam Moskowitz, Interval Research Corporation

Technology is changing more rapidly than ever before, and as
usual, system and network administrators are expected to know
everything and handle all the computing challenges their networks
provide. Intranets, the Web, Java, computer security, the
Internet, interoperability, browsers, firewalls, languages--the
information you need to get your job done more efficiently grows

USENIX has expanded its tutorial program to deliver the critical
information you need. Delivered by experts, tutorials are
intensive, practical, and essential to your professional
development.  Tutorial fees include printed and bound materials
from the tutorials you have selected, CD-ROM, lunch, and
admission to the Vendor Exhibits.

Register now to guarantee your first choice--seating is limited. 

Sunday, September 29
S1:  Joining the Internet Safely Using UNIX and Firewalls
S2:  Introduction to UNIX System Administration
S3:  System and Network Performance Tuning
S4:  Expect - Automating Interactive Applications
S5am:  Introduction to HTML
S6am:  Secure System Administration with Kerberos
S7am:  Introduction to DNS and Bind
S8pm:  Advanced HTML Design
S9pm:  Your Legal Rights and Liabilities as a System Administrator
S10pm:  Advanced Topics in DNS and BIND

Monday, September 30
M1:  NIS+
M2:  New Topics in System Administration (part 1)                  
M3:  IP Version 6:  An Introduction                   
M4:  Beginning Perl Programming for UNIX Programmers (updated for 
     Perl 5)                   
M5:  Setting Up and Administering A Web Server
M6:  IP Network Administration
M7am:  Obscenity, Indecency and the Net:  Your Responsibilities as a
       System Administrator             
M8am:  Talking Technical - Breaking the Communication Barrier     
M9am:  Sendmail From The Trenches            
M10pm:  Applied JavaScript             
M11pm:  Effective Meetings:  Get More Done In Less Time            
M12pm:  What's New in Sendmail 8.8          

Tuesday, October 1
T1:  Connecting to the Internet                    
T2:  Sendmail Inside and Out (updated for Sendmail 8.8)      
T3:  Internet Security for System and Network Administrators   
T4:  Selected Topics in System Administration (part 2)
T5:  Solaris System Administration
T6:  CGI and WWW Programming in Perl
T7:  Security of the World Wide Web
T8am:   Administering the Network Information Service:  Making NIS 
        Work For You
T9am:   Introduction to NNTP and INN
T10am:  Administration of MS Windows NT Server 3.51
T11pm:  TCP/IP Troubleshooting with UNIX
T12pm:  Advanced Topics in NNTP and INN
T13pm:  Writing Good Stuff:  A Practical Guide for Technical Content


S1:  Joining the Internet Safely Using UNIX and Firewalls
(9:00am - 5:00pm)  
Tina Darmohray, Consultant
Intended audience:  Participants should be familiar with basic
Internet concepts such as Internet services, TCP/IP, and

Connecting to the Internet is an exciting event for every
organization but the security implications can often bring
hesitation.  This practical course outlines details and examples
of UNIX network security and Internet connectivity issues.  Site
policies and topologies that implement them will be covered,
including packet-filtering, application-level, and circuit-level
gateways.  Overviews of current, publically-available solutions
will be provided, focusing on complete examples for configuring
an Internet firewall.  Prerequisites for this course are a
knowledge of TCP/IP, DNS, and Sendmail.

This course will cover:

* Problem definition and design motivation
  - Identify risks associated with Internet connection including:
    -- Valuable data
    -- Motivation to obtain it
    -- Potential Consequences       
* Nomenclature and design variations
   -- Defining the common firewall terms and topologies
   -- Compare designs and understand their strengths
* Implementing firewalls                                        
  - Routers
     -- Purpose
     -- Router-based firewalls
     -- Packet-filtering configuration 
  - Gateway/Bastion host security
     -- Router and bastion-host-based firewalls
     -- Host security configuration
     -- Bastion host software: tcpd, smrsh, and challenge-response 
	passwd software
  - Proxy solutions
     -- Misc. public-domain proxies
     -- SOCKS
     -- TIS firewall toolkit
  - Hiding information with DNS
     -- SOA and MX records to support the firewall
     -- Dual-DNS configuration
  - Sendmail configuration 
     -- Configuration to operate with firewall topology 
     -- Header re-writing to support the firewall 

S2:  Introduction to UNIX System Administration   (9:00am-5:00pm) 
Frank Fiamingo, Ohio State University
Intended audience: Participants should be familiar with UNIX, but
expertise is not required in either UNIX or system
administration.  Novice administrators are encouraged to attend.

This course provides an introduction to the basic tools and
concepts required to successfully administer a UNIX system.  It
utilizes a step-by-step approach to teach the commands and
techniques required to maintain a well-running system, and to
diagnose and solve problems.  Topics include:

* Disk partitioning and maintenance
* Installing software & post-installation chores
* Managing user accounts
* Adding new hardware
* Kernel configuration
* Network administration
* Setting up services
* Disk and network file system administration
* Logging and accounting information
* System configuration files
* Security concerns
* Printing
* Sendmail
* Network Information Services
* Backing up and restoring files

Both BSD (SunOS 4.1.X) and SysV (Solaris 2.X) versions of UNIX
will be discussed in detail, along with examples from Irix,
Digital UNIX and Ultrix.

S3:  System and Network Performance Tuning   (9:00am-5:00pm)  
Hal Stern, Sun Microsystems
Intended audience:  Novice and advanced UNIX system and network
administrators, UNIX developers concerned about network
performance impacts.  A basic understanding of the UNIX system
facilities and network environments is assumed.

This course will explore procedures and techniques for tuning
systems, networks, and application code.  Starting from the
single system view, it will examine how the virtual memory
system, the I/O system and filesystem can be measured and
optimized. The single host view will expand to include Network
File System tuning and performance strategies.

Detailed treatment of networking performance problems will lead
to examples of network capacity planning.  Application issues
will be addressed.  Many examples will be given, along with
guidelines for capacity planning and customized monitoring based
of your workloads and traffic patterns.  Topics include:

* Performance Tuning Strategies (practical goals, monitoring 
  intervals, useful stats, tools)
* Server Tuning (filesystem and disk running memory consumption and 
  swap space, system resource monitoring
* NFS Performance Tuning (server constraints, client improvements, 
  NFS over WANs automounter)
* Network Performance, Design and Capacity Planning (locating 
  bottlenecks, demand management, media choices and protocols, 
  network topologies, throughput and latency considerations, modeling
  resource usage)   
* Application Tuning (system resource usage, memory allocation, code 
   profiling, job scheduling and queueing, real-time issues, 
   managing response time)

S4:  Expect - Automating Interactive Applications   (9:00am-5:00pm) 
Don Libes, NIST
Intended audience: UNIX users, system administrators and
programmers.  Basic UNIX knowledge is helpful, but no programming
skills are required.  Participants will come away with practical
knowledge that saves time in day-to-day UNIX use.

This course explains how to use Expect to automate interactive
programs such as telnet, ftp, passwd, rlogin and hundreds of
other applications.

It will cover how to test and connect interactive applications
with no changes to the underlying programs or access to the
original source - a common problem for legacy applications or
sites without source code - but of value even with source code.

The course will demonstrate how to wrap interactive programs with
Motif-like front-ends using Tk to control applications by
buttons, scrollbars, and other graphic elements.  Participants
will learn to reuse interactive programs in Web applications
without rewriting existing code.

Both total and partial automation will be covered,  showing how
to automate and move interactive tasks into the background with
security and reliability.

S5am:  Introduction to HTML   (9:00am-12:30pm)
Bryan Buus, XOR Network Engineering
Intended audience: Anyone responsible for creating and maintaining
Web pages, including novice webmasters and data librarians.  No
prior knowledge of HTML is required.

This course is an introduction to HTML focusing on its basic
properties, Web page design and creation.  Topics include:

* URLS (Uniform Resource Locators)
* HTML conventions and syntax
* HTML document structure
* Basic formatting tags
* Image Maps
* Editors and conversion tools
* HTML errors
* HTML style considerations
* Netscape extensions (images, fonts, backgrounds, and colors)

Participants will know how to create and maintain Web pages many the
tricks of the trade used by experienced HTML authors.

S6am:  Secure System Administration with Kerberos   (9:00am-12:30pm)
Barry Jaspan, Network Security Consultant
Intended audience: System administrators who wish to deploy and
use Kerberos to secure common system administration tasks and to
help enforce site security policies.  No prior experience with
Kerberos or cryptographic protocols is required.

Two of the weakest security links in nearly any network are the
network's user accounts and the administration tools used to
maintain machines.  This course will explain how install and
deploy Kerberos to secure common system administration tasks and
user access to workstations and time-sharing systems.  The
nuts-and-bolts details of running the system, rather than the
cryptographic theory behind its operation, will be stressed.
Topics include:

* Deploying a Kerberos master server, administration server, and
  multiple slave servers.

* Performing Kerberos administration tasks such as creating and
  updating user records.

* Using Kerberos to enforce site security policy, including password
  quality, account expiration and termination, and audit trails of 
  login and service usage activity.

* Installing and using secure application clients and servers,
  including telnet/d, rlogin/d, rsh/d, rcp, and ftp/d to provide for
  authenticated and encrypted communication.

The course will also include a discussion of freely and commercially
available Kerberos products.

S7am:  Introduction to DNS and BIND   (9:00am-12:30pm)
Paul Vixie, Internet Software Consortium
Intended audience: System and network administrators responsible
for name server installation and maintenance.  Participants
should  have some familiarity with UNIX and with Internet

This course will teach you how to install a new name server or to
maintain an existing one.  Topics include:

* Basic DNS overview: nodes, RRs, zones
* Which RR types are actually used
* Delegating (creating) subdomains
* Master and slave servers for a zone
* Creating and registering a new zone
* Tips for editing existing zones
* Tools for automatic zone editing
* Resolver (host) configuration
* DNS without BIND: PC configuration

After completing this course, participants will be qualified
to act as "hostmaster" for their sites, to allocate host names
and addresses, to determine an appropriate subdomain naming
convention, and to design and implement a server topology.

S8pm:  Advanced HTML Design   (1:30pm-5:00pm)  
Bryan Buus, XOR Network Engineering
Intended audience: Participants who want to increase their
knowledge of HTML by learning about forms, tables, frames, and
other advanced HTML capabilities.

This course is a continuation of the Introduction to HTML, but
stands on its own for those with a basic understanding of HTML.
It explores some of the more complex HTML formatting tags and
techniques.  Topics include:

* Tables
   - Table definitions
   - Using tables in non-table browsers
* Frames
   - Frame syntax and options
   - Targeting specific frames
* Forms
   - Form syntax and submit methods
   - Form markup tags (INPUT, TEXTAREA, SELECT)
   - Using hidden variables
   - Examples
* Server-side includes
* META tags
* Incorporating Java applets
* Netscape plug-ins 
* Real-audio
* GIF animations

After completing this course, participants will understand how to
use advanced HTML features to create interesting, well-flowing
HTML documents.

S9pm:  Your Legal Rights And Liabilities as a System Administrator
Daniel L. Appelman, Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe
Intended audience:  System administrators  concerned with their
legal rights and responsibilities in an ever more litigious and
uncertain world.

This course will focus solely on legal issues of importance to
system administrators.

The law as it applies to the electronic media is not always
intuitive or obvious.  It is especially confusing and
unpredictable as it pertains to computer and network system
administration. This course provides invaluable information when
you or one of your users is confronted with legal issues.

Topics will include the most recent legal developments:
* Email privacy
* Defamation liability
* Intellectual property rights (including copyrights and patents)
* Export compliance

The course will offer specific recommendations about what you can
do to minimize your legal liability and clarify the limits of
your responsibilities to your employer and other concerned

A companion course on Obscenity, Indecency and the Communications
Decency Act is offered on Monday.

S10pm:  Advanced Topics in DNS and BIND   (1:30pm-5:00pm)  
Paul Vixie, Internet Software Consortium
Intended audience: Name server administrators and software
developers who need a deeper understanding of the DNS protocol
and the internals of BIND.  Participants should be responsible
for the operation of at least one name server, familiar with
Internet protocols such as TCP and UDP, and recognize C source
code when they see it (which they will).

This course will survey the DNS protocol and describe upcoming
extensions to it, as well as implementation considerations in
BIND.  Topics will include:

* DNS message format
* DNS resource record format
* Zone file format and zone transfers
* Incremental zone transfer
* Dynamic update and deferred update
* Real time change notification
* DHCP interaction
* BIND current status

After completing this course, participants will know what the IETF
has been up to and what to expect in upcoming BIND releases.


M1:  NIS+   (9:00am-5:00pm)  
Marc Staveley, Consultant
Intended audience: System administrators and technical managers
who wish to evaluate or set up an NIS+ network; those with some
experience setting up and maintaining an NIS (formally yellow
pages) or DNS system.

This course will examine why and how to set up and administer an
NIS+ network.  There will also be an overview of what NIS+ is and
how it differs from NIS.

The course will cover the benefits of NIS+: its integration with
DNS, enhanced security, cross-domain and cross-subnet
operability, distributed network information, and dynamic
binding.  Basic concepts such as NIS+ tables, the namespace, and
basic will be explained.  Topics include:

* The nsswitch.conf file
* Setting up an NIS+ domain
* Setting security levels
* Bulk loading data
* Integrating with DNS
* An overview of NIS+ commands
* Trouble shooting

M2:  New Topics in System Administration   (9:00am-5:00pm) 
Trent Hein, XOR Network Engineering
Evi Nemeth, University of Colorado, Boulder
Intended audience:  System and network administrators

Network crisis case studies provide important insights into
real-world network problems.  We've chosen network and security
crises to dissect and correct in front of your eyes.

IPv6 - What will 128-bit IP addresses mean to your site?  What
features and motivations should you consider when planning your
network for the future?  We'll give an overview of the IPv6
standard and explain how it relates to your existing

Advanced Routing Protocols - The days of RIP as a useful routing
protocol are numbered.  As internetworks scale rapidly, you have
to look towards protocols such as BGP and OSPF for reliable
connectivity.  We'll cover the basics of the protocols and
explain their use in real-world environments.

Security Auditing 101 - So, you've done everything the experts
recommend and more to secure your site.  Now, how do you measure
how secure your site really is?  We'll take you through the
anatomy of a security audit from start to finish.

Network Monitoring - Bigger networks need bigger management
tools. Until recently, automated network monitoring was
implemented as a mish-mash of home grown tools at most sites.
Now there are a number of "production" quality tools available
both commercially and from the net.  We'll explain what a number
of these tools do and compare them.

Server Performance - Years ago, sinking more money into a bigger
CPU was often the fix for performance problems.  With CPUs
outperforming many other aspects of machines today, performance
problems most often appear in areas such as network bandwidth,
software optimization, memory usage, and system configuration.
Learn how to tune your modern UNIX box to get the most bang for
your buck.

M3:  IP version 6: An Introduction   (9:00am-5:00pm)  
Richard Stevens, Consultant
Intended audience: Network programmers and sysadmins converting
applications and networks from IPv4 to IPv6, and implementors of

The current underlying protocol used by TCP/IP applications and
the Internet is called "IP version 4" (IPv4).  Over the past few
years, proposals have been made to replace it with a new version
to overcome the addressing limitations.  In July 1994 a successor
was chosen, IPv6.  Since then, numerous working groups have been
completing the specifications for all facets of IPv6 and
implementations are starting to appear.  It is expected that
there will be a gradual transition of the Internet to IPv6.

This course is an overview of all aspects of IPv6.  It approaches
IPv6 from the perspectives of a system administrator who needs to
transition a network from pure-IPv4 hosts and routers to a
mixture of IPv4 and IPv6 nodes and a programmer who needs to
convert applications from IPv4 to IPv6 . 

Topics include:
DNS support, new socket address structure, address conversion
functions, transition mechanisms, automatic tunneling, header
fields and extension headers, source routing, path MTU discovery,
upper-layer issues, ICMPv6, multicasting, neighbor discovery,
CIDR, anycasting, and mobility.

M4:  Beginning Perl Programming for UNIX Programmers (updated for 
     Perl 5)   (9:00am-5:00pm)  
Tom Christiansen, Consultant
Intended audience:  Individuals who have never looked at Perl
before or who have only been programming in it for a short time.
Students must have a background in UNIX shell programming with a
good working knowledge of regular expressions.  A background in
sed, awk, and/or C programming will prove useful.

Nearly ten years old now, Perl is a robust tool that is the
language of choice for systems administrators and toolsmiths,
database managers, software test and support engineers, GUI
programmers, and World Wide Web programmers.  Running on nearly
every conceivable platform, Perl is an extremely powerful
scripting language for problems previously solved at great effort
in the shell or C.  Because it incorporates aspects of more than
a dozen well-known UNIX tools, experienced UNIX users will come
up to speed on Perl rapidly, and even programmers inexperienced
at UNIX will learn UNIX through learning Perl.

Topics include: detailed descriptions and numerous examples of
the syntax and semantics of the language, its data types and data
structures, operators and control flow, regular expressions, I/O
facilities, database access, user-defined functions, writing and
using library modules, and an easy intro to Perl's
object-oriented programming mechanisms.  The course will end with
a tour of some of the new Perl5 modules includes examples of full
applications for Tk-based graphical programming, CGI programs,
and client/server programming.

Note: While this course is based on the current release of Perl,
version 5.002, it is not intended to be a detailed discourse on
all advanced programming constructs now afforded by that
release.  It is a jump-start course on Perl for experienced UNIX
programmers, not an advanced course for previous Perl

M5:  Setting Up And Administering A Web Server   (9:00am-5:00pm) 
Bryan Buus, XOR Network Engineering
Intended audience: Webmasters and administrators charged with
creating a World Wide Web service for their company.
Participants should have some knowledge of UNIX system

The World Wide Web is the most widely used Internet service.
Companies are quickly discovering that they need to be on the Web
to provide information to customers and to keep up with the
competition. This course describes how to set up and maintain a
World Wide Web server on a UNIX platform.  The servers covered in
the course include the popular and freely-available Apache and
NCSA Web servers.

Setting up the web server is only half of the battle.
Understanding exactly how the protocol works, what performance
issues are critical, what security implications are and other
nuances are just some of the important issues that all webmasters
need to thoroughly understand. After completing this course,
participants should have an in-depth understanding of their
server environment and the critical issues surrounding ongoing

Topics include:
* The Architecture of the Web 
* The HTTP protocol 
* Compiling the server 
* Server configuration 
   - Creating "virtual hosts" 
   - Resource configuration 
   - Access configuration 
   - Per-user access 
* Analyzing and rotating logs 
* Registering and announcing the server 
* Web-related security issues 
* Electronic commerce issues
* Security and the Web
   - Operating system, CGI, and software considerations
   - Setting up and configuring SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
* Server performance issues
* Using multiple servers
* Detecting server problems

M6:  IP Network Administration   (9:00am-5:00pm)
William LeFebvre, Argonne National Laboratory
Intended audience: Participants should have some prior experience
using IP networks, and be familiar with number bases, bits,
bytes, and machine representations of integers.  However, they
need not be experienced full-time programmers.

This course will cover essential IP network adminstration, and
background knowledge necessary to carry out such administration.

The course will begin with the Internet Model and some basics
such as numerical addresses and the fundamentally important
protocols: IP, ICMP, UDP, TCP, ARP, RARP.  Packet routing
(including subnetting) will be included, along with information
about the most common UNIX routing daemons, routed and gated.
This course will also take a brief look at the domain name system
(DNS).  Management of the common UNIX network services (telnet,
rlogin, etc.) will be examined, along with the primary network
service provider daemon, inet.  Management of essential RPC
services (NIS, NFS, mountd) will be covered as time permits.  The
course will finish with a section on troubleshooting and
information on Internet resources.

M7am:  Obscenity, Indecency and the Net: Your Responsibilities as 
       a System Administrator   (9:00am-12:30pm) 
Daniel L. Appelman,  Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe
Intended audience:  System administrators concerned with content

This course will bring system administrators up to date on their
responsibilities for dealing with adult-oriented content on their
systems.  If the Supreme Court affirms the lower court's
rejection of the Communications Decency Act, this course will
focus on the other laws which restrict the transmission of
obscene and indecent content.  If the Supreme Court overturns the
lower court and reinstates the CDA, it will focus on the CDA
itself and its implications.  In either event, attendees will
understand the current status of the law and how it affects

This course will include specific recommendations about how
system administrators can reduce their exposure to liability,
clarify their job responsibilities and be more effective in
dealing with questionable content.

M8am:  Talking Technical - Breaking the Communication Barrier
Maurita Plouff, Expert Innovations
Intended audience: Technical people - programmers,
administrators, and managers --who may be having difficulties
communicating technical topics to non-technical audiences.

Communication involves not only the speaker and listener, but
also their beliefs, pre-conceptions, and roles within the work
environment.  The different requirements and contexts in
technical work and business/managerial work create barriers to
understanding. These barriers can place limits on your personal
growth as well as on your company's.  If you cannot communicate
effectively with your manager or your customers, you may lose
their trust and recognition.  This course will point out the
problems in communicating effectively with non-peers, and help
you remedy those problems.

Topics include:
* Communications mechanics: the basics 
* Happytalk, marketspeak, and the role of jargon
* Defining content: a 3-step process   
* Understanding your audience
* Structuring your message to meet your goals
* When to speak, when to present, and when to write
* Closing the loop: decoding feedback

M9am:  Sendmail From The Trenches--New   (9:00am-12:30pm)
Tina Darmohray, Consultant
Intended audience:  System and network administrators who want
the very basics to get them started with configuring Sendmail.

This course will focus on real-world problems and configuring
solutions, rather than Sendmail design and programming.  It is
designed to give network administrators an introduction to
configuring Sendmail. It will cover the basics of the
file so you can define macros, use DNS MX records, understand
rules and rulesets, and rewrite headers.  It will then examine
ways to:

* Design and implement a mail topology (e.g, a trusted mail hub 
  outside a firewall)
* Support virtual hosts, handle mail for multiple domains
* Interface to popular PC mail solutions
* Establish a POP server

M10pm:  Applied JavaScript   (1:30pm-5:00pm) 
Shawn Instenes, Internet Presence Consultant
Intended audience: Those who are involved in the design and
implementation of interactive Web projects. Participants should
be familiar with C and HTML forms. Experience with an OO language
is helpful but not required.

This course provides an introduction to JavaScript. Topics include:

* Advantages of JavaScript over Java
* How to correctly embed JavaScript into Web pages
* How to use JavaScript to validate form data
* Client-dynamic HTML
* Friendly interfaces with JavaScript and frames
* Marquees, animations, and other tricks
* JavaScript security

While the focus of the course is client JavaScript, much of the
information will be applicable to Netscape's LiveWire product.
After completing this course, participants will be able to apply
JavaScript to enhance the interactivity of their Web pages.

M11pm:  Effective Meetings: Get More Done in Less Time   
Maurita Plouff, Expert Innovations
Intended audience: People who wish to waste less time in

Meetings are a fact of life, and larger, more complex projects
often involve larger, more complex meetings. Often we wonder "why
was that meeting necessary?"  A good meeting is necessary,
timely, concise, and purposeful. Learn strategies to improve the
quality of your meetings, whether you are hosting or attending

Topics include:
* Meeting madness: is this meeting necessary?
* Rule #1: know what you want
* Roping 'em in: 3 steps to get an audience
* Great expectations: agenda dos and don'ts
* When you're the leader: special responsibilities 
* Be a better participant: a checklist
* What about minutes? 
* Meeting secrets: the post meeting review
* Special situatins  
   - mega-meetings
   - teleconferencing
   - videoconferencing
   - translations

M12pm:  What's New in Sendmail 8.8   (1:30pm-5:00pm)   
Eric Allman, InReference, Inc.
Intended audience:  People familiar with Sendmail 8.6 and 8.7 who
want to learn how to convert their sites over to Sendmail 8.8.
This course is not an introduction to Sendmail.

Sendmail 8.8, the latest release of Berkeley sendmail, has many
new features.  In many cases mail administrators can just compile
the new release of Sendmail and use their old configuration
files, but there are many new capabilities that "power users" may
wish to utilize.  This course discusses the new features in
version 8.8 of Sendmail.

Topics include:
* New command line flags allowing direct access to Delivery Status 
  Notification features.
* Features to enhance performance under heavy load and avoid certain 
  classes of denial-of- service attacks.   
* New SMTP commands to simplify dial-on-demand sites.
* "Anti-Spam" features to allow immediate rejection of messages
  from evil domains.

This course will also discuss two important features added in 8.7:
* Using the "system service switch" to control access to resources.
* Delivery Status Notification extensions.

Time permitting, musings on the future direction of sendmail will be
indulged in.


T1:  Connecting to the Internet   (9:00am-5:00pm)  
Barb Dijker, Labyrinth Computer Services
Intended audience: Anyone connecting to, recently connected to,
or upgrading their connection to the Internet. This course will
assume basic TCP/IP host and LAN configuration and routing

This course probes the issues of establishing a dedicated
full-time connection to the Internet.  A dedicated Internet
connection is essential for a wide-area network (WAN) connection
to an external environment.  This course will cover the issues in
choosing a WAN technology and implementation, choosing an
Internet Service Provider (ISP), how your internal network may
need to adapt, and how to effect the transition seamlessly.  It
will provide an overview of future WAN technologies.  Topics

* WAN technologies overview (PPP, ISDN, 56K, T1, ATM, etc.)
* Deciding on a technology and bandwidth
* Security considerations: firewall? proxy? wrapper?
* Reliability: redundancy? diversity?
* External routing issues
* Equipment and wiring you'll need
* Selecting an Internet Service Provider
* Selecting a telco/line provider
* Ordering service so it is installed right
* Configuring and testing your connection
* Step-by-step transistion
* Future technologies

T2:  Sendmail Inside and Out, updated for Sendmail 8.8   
Eric Allman, InReference, Inc.
Intended audience: Sysadmins who want to learn more about
Sendmail, particularly the configuration file. Programmers
implementing new mail front ends who want to know exactly what
Sendmail can do.  Curious people who want to know what Sendmail
is all about.  This will be an intense, fast-paced, course
intended for people already exposed to Sendmail.

Sendmail is arguably the most successful UNIX-based mail transfer
agent in the world today.  However, it has a reputation for being
difficult to configure and manage.  After introducing a bit of
the philosophy and history underlying sendmail, topics will

* The syntactic elements of the configuration file: mailers,
  options, macros, classes, headers, precedences and priorities,
  trusted users, key file definitions, and rewriting rules and
* The flow and semantics of rulesets.
* An introduction to SMTP and how Sendmail operates in an SMTP 
* Day-to-day management issues, including alias and forward
  files, "special" recipients, mailing lists, command line flags,
  tuning, and security.
* How Sendmail interacts with the DNS.
* How to use the M4 configuration package included with Sendmail 8.

This course describes the latest release of Sendmail from
Berkeley, version 8.8. (Version 8 or variants thereon is
currently shipped or will shortly be shipped by BSDI, Convex,
Hewlett-Packard, Sequent, Silicon Graphics, and Sun.)  Version 8
includes many of the popular features of IDA Sendmail.

T3:  Internet Security for System and Network Administrators
Ed DeHart, Computer Emergency Response Team
Intended audience: UNIX system and network administrators who
build and maintain trustworthy networked systems; system
programmers; practitioners who evaluate or initiate Internet

This course teaches practical strategies and techniques to combat
the threat of intrusions and improve the security of operating
systems connected to the Internet. Participants are mandated to
provide trustworthy network services. They need to understand
security issues, and how to protect their systems on the

The course will cover fundamental security practices for UNIX
system administration. Participants will learn about the latest
information on security problems, defensive and offensive
strategies, network security, and establishing appropriate site
security policy.

After this course, participants will be able to establish and
maintain a secure Internet site while protecting the
organization's data.  Participants will gain familiarity with
security tools.  Topics include:

* Latest information on security problems
* UNIX system security
* Network security
* Site security policies

T4:  Selected Topics in System Administration   (9:00am-5:00pm)  
Trent Hein, XOR Network Engineering
Evi Nemeth, University of Colorado, Boulder
Intended audience:  System and network administrators

Video Conferencing on the Desktop - Ever participated in a video
conference at your desktop?  You will, and probably sooner than
you think.  Exciting new desktop video conferencing tools are
available today.  Learn how to setup software and hold private
conferences, as well as join in to technical sessions at
conferences like USENIX and IETF from afar.

System Administration Power Tools - Often, system administrators
are caught saying "if only I had time to learn how to use that
nifty new program."  Unfortunately, system administrators usually
do so much firefighting that they don't have time to stop and
smell the new administration tools.  In this overview of
readily-available UNIX system administration power tools, we'll
discuss packages that are we'll discuss packages that are likely
to save you time and increase your salary.

Intro to expect -  Perhaps the greatest sysadmin tool to come
along since Perl, expect is a high-powered interpreted dialogue
language which can act like your hands on the keyboard to perform
tricky tasks while you're away, asleep or at play.  We'll talk
about the basic contructs of the language and write some sample

The Network Crisis Case Studies:  At the request of former
students, we've put together a set of network problem case
studies that will be dissected and corrected in front of your
eyes using many tools available on your UNIX system or from the

Policy and Politics - Many of the policies and procedures
followed at a site are carefully filed in the sysadmin's head.
With the worldwide net invading your local site, this folklore
needs to be written down, run past lawyers, and followed by your
sysadmin staff.  We will discuss approaches to these tasks, both
good and bad, and illustrate with war stories, sample policy
agreements, and procedure checklists.

T5:  Solaris System Administration   (9:00am-5:00pm)  
Marc Staveley, Consultant
Intended audience: system administrators who need to know the
differences between SunOS 4.x and Solaris 2.x administration.
Portions of this course will also be useful from a BSD to SysV.4
perspective. It will be most meaningful to system administrators
who have some experience setting up and maintaining a network of
SunOS 4.x workstations and servers.

This course will be split between describing new methods in
Solaris to accomplish the same task as in SunOS (for example, the
new NFS filesystem administration commands) and new features in
Solaris (for example, the CacheFS filesystem).  The course will
concentrate on the Solaris 2.5 release.

Topics will include:
* Installation (packages, jumpstart, etc.)
* Booting and halting
* Kernel enhancements (dynamic loading, multi-threaded, layout on
   disk, /etc/system)
* Networking (NFS, AutoFS Automounter, PPP)
* CacheFS (including Cache Only Clients)
* NIS+ vs. NIS (YP)
* Volume manager (mounting CDs and floppies without root privileges)
* Service access facility (a getty replacement and much more)
* Printing (lpd vs. lpsched, SunSoft Print Client, Print Protocol 
* Sun's Migration CD (making the move from SunOS to Solaris as 
  painless as possible)

T6:  CGI and WWW Programming in Perl   (9:00am-5:00pm) 
Tom Christiansen, Consultant
Intended audience: Programmers with a light background in Perl
and HTML.  No previous CGI experience is required.  Programmers
without any Perl background should read the "Llama book" first.
This course is for "accidental programmers", folks other than
UNIX systems gurus who need to deal with CGI and WWW

This course discusses CGI and other WWW programming using Perl
with special attention to system security issues. All aspects of
writing and processing fill-out forms are covered using the
standard module.  Some attention is also given to parsing
of HTML documents and writing "spiderbots", automata that
navigate the Web on their own.  Topics include:

* An overview of the CGI protocol
* A introduction to  Perl's OO class libraries 
* Comparisons with other programming languages
* Setting up your server for CGI and SSI
* Setuid execution and taint checking
* Avoiding the perils of shell escapes and backquotes
* The Oxford Safe CGI Perl environment
* Data security; server-side includes
* CGI-related environment variables
* CGI without forms
* Debugging your CGI programs
* Remote browser and remote user determination
* Generating dynamic forms
* Multistage ("shopping cart") forms
* Credit-card algorithms; file uploads
* Non-parsed headers scripts
* Backgrounding long-running CGI programs
* Using UNIX-domain sockets to serialize access to daemons

T7:  Security on the World Wide Web   (9:00am-5:00pm)  
Daniel Geer, OpenMarket, Inc.
Jon Rochlis, BBN Planet
Intended audience: Anyone responsible for running a Web site who
wants to understand the tradeoffs in making it secure.  Anyone
seeking to understand how the Web is likely to be secured.

The World Wide Web is perhaps the most important enabler of
electronic commerce. It has grabbed the popular imagination and the
engineering and marketing efforts of a generation of on-line
entrepreneurs and consumers. But it was initially design with
little thought to industrial strength security. Numerous proposals
have surfaced to secure the Web.  This course will survey them with
the goal of understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each.
Topics include:

* Client/server network security
* Brief overview of encryption and its role in all security
* Simple schemes (Basic Auth)
* Prevailing protocols (SSL, S-HTTP, PCT)
* IP Security
* Payment protocols (Cybercash, Digicash, OpenMarket, First Virtual, 
* Secure operation (configuration, containment, interaction with 
  firewalls, replication, proxy servers, logging)

T8am:  Administering the Network Information Service:  Making NIS 
       Work For You   (9:00am-12:30pm)  
William LeFebvre, Argonne National Laboratory
Intended audience:  Participants should know UNIX basics and be
familiar with UNIX  system administration (especially account
management).  A basic knowledge of make, awk, and sed is very

The use of Sun's Network Information Service (formerly yellow
pages) has become widespread for providing common configurations
across a network of workstations.  However, NIS out of the box is
very much like a wild tiger:  dangerous and unpredictable.  This
course will teach you how to tame the tiger and adapt NIS for
effective use in a UNIX network.  It discusses NIS's strengths and
mechanisms for working around its weaknesses.

The course starts with the basics of NIS configuration and
operation, covers details of the information NIS can provide,
effective use of netgroups, adding additional maps, management of
slave servers, available utilities for maintenance, security and
performance concerns, and interaction with DNS.  It ends with a
frank discussion of NIS's shortcomings and the implementation of
possible alternatives to NIS.

It should be noted that although the successor to NIS, NIS+,
provides similar functionality to NIS, the commands and techniques
for managing the two systems are completely different and the
knowledge and experience is not transferable.

T9am:  Introduction to NNTP and INN   (9:00am-12:30pm) 
James Brister and Paul Vixie, Internet Software Consortium
Intended audience: Netnews server administrators who use or wish to
use INN.  Participants should be capable UNIX system administrators
with experience in setting up new server hosts, managing large file
systems, and building programs from freely available source code.

This course covers the basic installation and management of a
netnews server using INN.  Topics include:

* Hardware requirements (CPU, memory, disk, etc.)
* Fetching, building and installing INN
* Transport servers vs. reader servers
* Article transfer vs. article replication
* Innxmit, nntplink, and innfeed
* Expire, multiple spindles
* Reports and monitoring
* Troubleshooting

After completing this course, participants will be able to create
and maintain INN server hosts, including reader support, transport
("netnews peering") administration, and installation of source
code patches to INN.

T10am:  Administration of MS Windows NT Server 3.51 
Joe Angarella, QBD Technical Services, Inc.
Intended audience:  System administrators who must configure or 
maintain a Windows NT server and/or network.

This course will cover techniques used to administer security and 
permissions for a Microsoft Windows NT network.  Participants will 
be given a set of solid techniques that can be immediately applied 
in a Microsoft networking environment.

Participants given a workbook with step-by-step instructions for all 
material covered.  Using the workbook and the material presented, 
participants will have the tools to administer new and existing 
MS Windows NT networks, including:

* Establishing user accounts
* Creating local and global groups
* Creating and modifying user profiles
* Creating and modifying login scripts
* Establishing home directories
* Mapping default drives
* Restricting login hours
* Restricting workstation access
* Passwords and password restrictions
* Granting and revoking user and group permissions
* User and group file permission
* Securing printers in an NT network
* Security auditing
* Administering advanced user rights

T11pm:  TCP/IP Troubleshooting with UNIX   (1:30pm-5:00pm)
Jim Hickstein, The NetMarket Co.
Intended audience:  Beginning to advanced UNIX sysadmins, beginning
to intermediate network admins, and advanced users who have to
diagnose and fix problems in their TCP/IP networks.  Participants
should know how to use UNIX at the shell level, and have some
familiarity with general networking concepts.

The network is down: how do you fix it?  This course focuses on a
practical problem-solving method, using a diagnostic decision logic
table (DDLT) developed by the instructor, based on many years'
experience.  The DDLT gives step-by-step instructions on what to
look at, what it should look like, and how to fix it.  Even if it's
not your job to fix it, you can help your network administrator by
being able to gather vital statistics about the network.

The course focuses on specific examples of network failures, and
introduces and amplifies on TCP/IP and Ethernet concepts along the
way.  Examples are taken from SunOS 4.x and Solaris 2 UNIX systems,
but apply in principle to any TCP/IP network.

After this course, participants will be able to follow the DDLT to
isolate, diagnose, and correct  common failures inTCP/IP networks.
Topics include:

* Using the DDLT
* Discovery: Where to look
* Name service (/etc/hosts, ping, DNS, NIS and YP, name service 
* TCP/IP over Ethernet (interfaces, ARP, ICMP, TELNET)
* Network Topology and Routing (host and network addressing, 
  subnets, routing tables)

T12pm:  Advanced Topics in NNTP and INN   (1:30pm-5:00pm)
James Brister and Paul Vixie, Internet Software Consortium
Intended audience:  administrators of INN servers who want a deeper
understanding of the NNTP protocol of the INN software system.
Participants should already have experience running at least one
INN server host.

This course will generally survey the NNTP and NNRP protocols,
with special attention to reader vs. transport verbs and to the
performance implications of "offline news servers" and Netscape
Navigator.  Obscure INN performance tuning issues will be covered,
as will advanced troubleshooting and debugging techniques.

Topics will include:
* Falling behind your provider's feed
* Downstream sites falling behind your feed
* Web browsers vs. nnrpd and "fork"
* NNTP streaming vs. innfeed parallelism
* "Getactive" and what to do about it
* Mail <-> news gateways
* Advanced "expire" topics
* Upcoming INN enhancements

After completing this course, participants will know how to
diagnose serious but less obvious configuration or utilization
problems, and will be able to make informed decisions about
complex enterprise-wide netnews topology.

T13pm:  Writing Good Stuff: A Practical Guide for Technical Content
Maurita Plouff, Expert Innovations
Intended audience: People who write proposals, reports, memos,
meeting minutes, feasibility studies, technical requirements,
letters, and email.

We all need to write in our work, but many find it a burdensome
task which takes far too long. Learn simple techniques to be able
to write clear, concise, compelling material in less time.

Topics include:
* Goal setting
* Audience analysis: who reads it makes a difference!
* How to manage your writing time
* Start-up strategies: avoiding writer's block
* Organizing the information
* First drafts, second drafts, nth drafts: theory and practice
* Editing: a 5-step checklist
* Writing to influence others: special situations
    - meeting minutes
    - when you need a paper trail
    - getting action
* E-mail as an art form

Eric Allman, the author of Sendmail, is chief technical officer at
InReference, Inc.  He was the chief programmer on the INGRES
database management project and an early contributor to the UNIX
effort at Berkeley where he earned his MS.  He is a member of the
Board of Directors of the USENIX Association.

Joe Angarella is a Microsoft-certified systems engineer
specializing in the Microsoft Back Office product line and
professional trainer in MS SQL server administration and MS Visual
Basic programming.  He is president of QBD Net.  In addition, Joe
is the series editor for The Pros Talk PowerBuilder and author of
Building Component Applications in PowerBuilder 4.0.

Dan Appelman, an expert on legal issues in on-line and Internet
commerce, practices computer and telecommunications law in the Palo
Alto office of Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe where he
represents many high-tech and Internet-related companies.  In
addition to his law degree, Dan has a PhD in telecommunications

James Brister is the current maintainer of INN, and the author of
the "innfeed" transfer utility.  He has been a senior UNIX system
programmer and administrator for more than 10 years, and is
currently a senior software engineer at Vixie Laboratories.

Bryan Buus is the manager of XOR Network Engineering's Web services
group.  Prior to joining XOR, Bryan kickstarted O'Reilly's &
Associate's online efforts in 1992. He is a co-author of Managing
Internet Information Services, and has given seminars on managing
Web services for CERFnet, the SANS Conference, and Hewlett

Tom Christiansen is a consultant specializing in Perl applications,
optimizations, and training.  He  earned an MS degree in computer
science from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

Tina Darmohray is a consultant on Internet firewalls and network
connections.  She has over a decade of experience managing and
networking UNIX systems.  Previously, she was the lead for the UNIX
System Administration team at a national laboratory responsible for
over 1,000 machines.  Tina is currently completing a book on
Internet firewalls for Prentice Hall.

Ed DeHart is a member of the Computer Emergency Response Team
(CERT), which he helped found in 1988 to serve as a focal point for
the computer security concerns of Internet users.  Ed is actively
involved in the day-to-day business of site security and incident
handling, and is the CERT's training team leader.

Barb Dijker is a consultant with her own business, Labyrinth
Computer Services.  She is co-founder and president of the Colorado
Internet Cooperative Association as well as NeTrack, a commercial
ISP.  Barb also serves as treasurer on the SAGE Board and is saver
of USENIX faces.

Frank Fiamingo started administering UNIX systems in 1983.  For the
past eight years he has been a full time system administrator at
Ohio State University.  He has been teaching UNIX System
Administration classes for seven years.

Daniel E. Geer, Jr. is director of engineering at Open Market,
Inc.  Formerly he was chief scientist, vice president of
technology, and managing director of security consulting services
for OpenVision Technologies.  He holds a Doctor of Science from

Trent Hein is chief network architect at XOR Network Engineering.
He worked on the 4.4 BSD port to the MIPS architecture at Berkeley,
and is co-author of the UNIX Systems Administration Handbook.
Trent has a BS in Computer Science from the University of

Jim Hickstein started in UNIX systems administration at Teradyne, a
company with 5000 hosts and 200 TCP/IP networks.  He was hired as a
software engineer, but started doing system administration  in
self-defense.  He is now with NetMarket leading its system
administration team.

Shawn Instenes is a network connectivity and security consultant,
with eight years experience in administration and programming of
UNIX-based computers.  He has participated in the implementation of
numerous firewalls, Internet connections, and "network presences".
Shawn currently writes a security column in the USENIX
Association's newsletter,;login:.

Barry Jaspan has been active in network security since 1990, and
has extensive experience with Kerberos.  He is the author of
multiple conference articles on cryptographic protocols and secure
network software design.  He is currently an independent consultant
specializing in network security systems and security analysis.

William LeFebvre is a computer systems engineer in the Decision 
and Information Sciences division of Argonne National Laboratory.  
He received his BA and MS from Rice University.  He has been using 
UNIX systems since 1982 and has been an active user of the Internet 
since 1984.

Don Libes is the creator of Expect and the author of its definitive
text, Exploring Expect. He has written over 80 computer science
papers and articles plus two UNIX classics: Life With UNIX and
Obfuscated C and Other Mysteries.  Don is a computer scientist at
the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Evi Nemeth, a faculty member in Computer Science at the University
of Colorado, has managed UNIX systems for the past 19 years, both
from the front lines and from the ivory tower.  She is co-author of
the best-selling UNIX System Administration Handbook.

Maurita Plouff has been translating between technical and
non-technical audiences since her first post as a physics
laboratory research assistant.  She has held both technical and
managerial posts, and is known for her ability to avoid inducing
the "glassy-eyed stare" in managers grappling with technical
material.  Her consultancy assists clients to meet strategic
business goals through effective use of technology.

Jon Rochlis is an engineering manager with BBN Planet where he
leads groups developing managed connectivity and security
services.  Previously he was with  OpenVision Technologies,
responsible for systems and security management products.

Marc Staveley is an independent consultant in UNIX application
development and administration.  He is working with the Sun
Microsystems Developer Support Centre assisting customers in
migrating from SunOS to Solaris.  He is a frequent speaker on the
topics of standards-based development, multi-threaded programming
and system administration.

Hal Stern is a Distinguished Systems Engineer with Sun Microsystems
where he focuses on high-end server technology, operations
management, networking, performance tuning, and information systems
architecture.  Before joining Sun, he developed molecular modeling
software and was on the research staff at Princeton.  He is the
author of Managing NFS & NIS and the author of several articles on
application performance and network design.

W. Richard Stevens is the author of  UNIX Network Programming,
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, TCP/IP Illustrated,
Volume 1:  The Protocols, and co-author of TCP/IP Illustrated,
Volume 2: The Implementation.

Paul Vixie is the current maintainer of the BIND software system.
Paul is a co-author of Sendmail: Theory and Practice and the
moderator of the "comp.sources.unix" newsgroup.  Besides his work
on BIND, Paul is also technical director of the Internet Software

Wednesday-Friday, October 2-4, 1996


Opening Remarks
     Helen E. Harrison, SAS Institute Inc.; 
     Amy K. Kreiling, University of North Carolina

Keynote Address  
Information Technology:  The Next Ten Year's 
     Dick Lampman, Hewlett-Packard Company

The tenth anniversary of the LISA Conference highlights the
enormous changes that have taken place in the computer industry in
the past decade.  Revolutionary changes in technology and markets
have rapidly moved the information technology industry forward.

This talk will focus on the forces of change which will shape the
coming decade, and will present advanced computing and
communications technologies under development in Hewlett-Packard's
research labs.

Dick Lampman is the director of the Computer Research Center at
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories where he directs the activities of
five laboratories.  The laboratories develop advanced technologies
for use by R&D groups throughout Hewlett-Packard's computer
business.  He has been with Hewlett-Packard since 1971.  Mr.
Lampman received his BS and MS degrees from Carnegie Mellon

11:00am-12:30pm:  SECURITY
Session Chair:  Pat Wilson, Dartmouth College

Priv: Secure and Flexible Privileged Access Dissemination
   Brian C. Hill, University of California, Davis

The Igor System Administration Tool
   Clinton Pierce and John Bell, Ford Systems Integration Center

Centralized Administration of Distributed Firewalls
   Mark Miller and Joe Morris, Bell Atlantic

2:00pm-3:30pm:  ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT
Session Chair:  E. Scott Menter, Enterprise Systems Management

Shuse:  Multi-Host Account Administration
    Henry Spencer, SP Systems

The Design and Implementation of a Network Account Management System
   J. Archer Harris, and Gregory Gingerich, James Madison University

UNIX Host Administration in a Heterogeneous Distributed Computing 
   Gregory S. Thomas, Desiree C. Johnson, John P. Moore, Merrilee E.
   Orcutt, James O. Schroeder, and Jeffrey T. Simmelink, Pacific 
   Northwest National Laboratory         

Session Chair:   Helen E. Harrison, SAS Institute Inc.

Visualizing Huge Tracefiles with Xscal
   Alva L. Couch, Tufts University

Using Visualization in System and Network Administration
   Doug Hughes, Auburn University

11:00am-12:30pm:   Standards - Are They Worth The Effort?

Moderator:  Rik Farrow, Internet Security Consulting
Panelists:  Nick Stoughton, PERT Systems Ltd.
            Louis Imersheim, Santa Cruz Operation
            Lee Damon, Qualcomm

Three panelists argue the question from three angles:  keep formal
POSIX-type standards, use proprietary standards, or abolish
standards altogether.

2:00pm-3:30pm:  Scaling Your Web Server - What to Do With a Million
                Hits Each Day
Dan Klein, LoneWolf Systems

The Web is the bane and the boon of system administrators.  While
it is reasonably easy to configure a small web site and maintain
it, dealing with a popular one is another story altogether.  Sites
like Galt, Lycos, and Yahoo regularly receive millions of hits per
day, most of which are CGI scripts.

Even if your site isn't a universally-used site like these, a user
with a popular set of pages can bring your server to its knees.
This talk will address some of the issues of web server scaling
from the perspective of a timeline of learning experiences, and
will discuss such issues as name service, logging, network loads,
system and server configuration, etc.

4:00pm-5:00pm:  ATM: Not Just A Type of Bank Machine Anymore
Peter Van Epp, Simon Fraser University

This talk will provide the reasoning and history behind his site's
decision to implement our campus backbone network as an ATM fabric.
By describing the advantages and disadvantages of the various
options (Switched Ethernet, FDDI and ATM) that were considered and
the demands for bandwidth both on campus and in the wide area that
is foreseen, this presentation will help you decide if ATM is an
appropriate technology for your site.


9:00am-10:30am:  TOOLS
Session Chair:  Paul Evans, Synopsys, Inc.

How to Avoid Learning Expect -or- Automating Automating Interactive
   Don Libes, NIST

An LPD for the 90s
   Mark H. Fletcher, SAS Institute Inc.

RUST: Managing Problem Reports and To-Do Lists
   Craig R. Ruefenacht, University of Utah

11:00am -12:30pm:  NETWORKING
Session Chair:  Pat Parseghian, Transmeta

Renumbering: Threat or Menace?
   Eliot Lear, Jeff Coffin, Rod Scott, Jennifer Katinsky, Diane 
   Tharp, and John Parisi, Silicon Graphics, Inc.

OC3MON: Flexible, Affordable, High Performance Statistics Collection
   K. Claffy, NLANR/UCSD; Joel Apisdorf, and Rick Wilde, MCI 

IP Multiplexing by Transparent Port-Address Translation
   Heon Y. Yeom, Jungsoo Ha, and Ilhwan Kim, Seoul National University

2:00pm-3:30pm:  SENDMAIL
Session Chair:   David L. Kensiski, Cisco Systems

Many Mail Domains, One Machine: The Forwarding Mailer
  Hal Pomeranz, NetMarket/CUC International

How to Get There From Here: Scaling the Enterprise-Wide Mail
   Michael Grubb, Duke University

Automatic and Reliable Elimination of E-mail Loops Based on 
Statistical Analysis
   Eduardo Solana, V. Baggiolini, M. Ramluckun, and J. Harms,     
   Universite de Geneve

4:00pm-5:30pm:  TOASTY COOL MOOSE
Session Chair:   Bill LeFebvre, Argonne National Labs

   Bill Houle, NCR Corporation 

The PGP Moose -- Implementation and Experience
   Greg Rose, Qualcomm International

The Brave Little Toaster Meets Usenet
   Karl L. Swartz, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

9:00am-10:30am: How to Run a Worldwide Network When You Work in 
                the Center of the Universe
Joel Avery, Nortel

Nortel Ottawa has a fairly large site, 10,000+ nodes, and a rather
large worldwide network of 120,000+ nodes.  Effectively managing a
network like this requires an accurate assessment of what services
should be centralized and what tasks should be distributed to local
administrators.  The goal is to provide enough flexibility such
that anarchy and entropy do not take over the network, and to keep
services and service levels the same throughout the network.  The
speaker discusses how that goal was accomplished.

11:00am-12:30pm:   What It's Like to Be Your Own Boss
Tina Darmohray, Consultant
Celeste Stokely, Stokely Consulting

Following on the heels of a very successful BOF and BayLISA talk,
Stokely and Darmohray present insights and information for people
who plan on, or already have, set out on their own.  Contracts,
taxes, billing, getting work, and much more will be discussed, and
a lively question-and-answer session is planned.

2:00pm-3:30pm:   Experiences of Running a Large Archive Site
Stuart McRobert, Imperial College, London

This talk will take a fascinating look behind the scenes of one of
the Internet's richest and most popular free access archive sites,  This busy site is powered by an 8-way Gbyte
SS1000 with some 70+GB trans (logged) RAID5 disk space, Ethernet
and FDDI networking (expect ATM and switching shortly). Efforts to
improve network and server performance, along with unburdening the
campus network of server-bound traffic, will also be discussed.

4:00pm-5:30pm:   Works-In-Progress Reports 

Works-in-Progress Reports (WIPs) introduce interesting new or
ongoing work.  If you have work you would like to share or a cool
idea that is not quite ready to be published, a WIP is for you!
Your fellow attendees will give you insightful feedback.  We are
especially interested in the presentation of student work.  To
reserve a spot, send email to Adam Moskowitz at

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 =================

9:00am-10:30am:   SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION #1
Session Chair:   Pat Parseghian, Transmeta

A Simple Caching Filesystem for Application Serving
   John D. Bell, Ford Systems Integration Center

Automating the Administration of Heterogeneous LANs
   Michael Fisk, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

PC Administration Tools:  Using Linux to Manage Personal Computers
   Jim Trocki, American Cyanamid Company

11:00am-12:30pm:   SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION #2
   Session Chair:   Elizabeth Zwicky, Silicon Graphics, Inc.

Abstract Yourself with Modules
   John L. Furlani, SunSoft, Inc.; Peter W. Osel, Siemens AG

SLINK: Simple, Effective Filesystem Maintenance Abstractions for
Community-Based Administration
   Alva L. Couch, Tufts University

Managing and Distributing Application Software
   I. Reguero, Ph. Defert, E. Fernandez, M. Goossens, O. Le Moigne, 
   and A. Peyrat, CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics

Session Chair:  Amy K. Kreiling, University of North Carolina

A New Twist on Teaching System Administration
    Raven Tompkins, Indiana University

Institute White Pages as a Sys Admin Problem
    Jon Finke, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

New Fangled Phone Systems Pose New Challenges for System
    Snoopy, iXOS Software GmbH

4:00pm-5:30pm    JOINT CLOSING SESSION:
System Administration:  The Last Ten Years and the Next
Rob Kolstad, Berkeley Software Designs, Inc.

While the future of any technology or technological aspect of our
society is difficult to predict, examining the past can lead to an
enlightened view of the future.  This talk highlights certain
events from the last decade and uses them as a framework to analyze
the hype, financial and economic factors, political factors,
technical issues, cultural issues, and wildcards that will affect
system administration in the future.

5:30pm-6:00pm:  Announcement of Winners of Best Horror Story Contest

9:00am-10:30pm:   Manage People, Not Logins
Jon Finke, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Managing large numbers of UNIX userids in an enterprise wide system
can be approached as a problem of managing information about
people. This talk will look at some of the problems and
opportunities  encountered in implementing Simon (similar to MIT's
Moira).  Rather than discussing the gritty technical details, the
talk looks at problems and techniques in dealing with multiple data
feeds, maintaining information security, understanding (and
developing) information policy, and some of the problems
encountered in merging and transforming this information.  We will
also look beyond the maintenance of UNIX userids.

11:00am-12:30pm:   Intrusion Detection
Louis Todd Heberlein, University of California,  Davis

With stories of computer crime regularly in the news, we are
painfully aware that our computer systems are vulnerable.  While we
would prefer to design and manage our systems to prevent attacks,
technical, operational, and practical limitation conspire against
us.  Intrusion detection detects the attacks which do occur and
provides an opportunity to respond to them in a timely fashion.
This talk will present both an historical and technical overview of
the field of intrusion detection. The history of intrusion
detection provides insight into which approaches have and have not
worked, reflects the changing threats over the years, and may
provide clues as to the future of intrusion detection.

2:00pm-3:30pm:  Just Another Convicted Perl Hacker
Randal Schwartz, Stonehenge Consulting Services

This talk will describe how the speaker became a felon in the
process of doing his job as a system administrator in the
well-publicized Oregon v. Schwartz case (victim: Intel).  It will
include some points about Oregon's current law and the implications
of this case on the computer community.  Similarly broad laws
appear on the books in other states.  There will be a special focus
on how to make sure this doesn't happen to you.

LISA'96 Exhibition
Wednesday, October 2, Noon - 7:00 pm
Thursday, October 3, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Chicago Ballroom, Marriott Hotel

The Exhibition at LISA '96 will offer 80 booths with vendors of
innovative systems administration and network management solutions
demonstrating their products.

For more information about the LISA '96 Exhibition, please contact:
Cynthia Deno, Exhibition Coordinator:
Phone:  408.335.9445; Email:

Participants To Date
AIM Technology     
AT&T CommVault Systems
Auspex Systems, Inc.
Bay Networks, Inc.
Boole & Babbage, Inc.
Border Network Technologies, Inc.
Central Data Corporation
Central Design Systems Inc.
Clarity Software Inc.
Competitive Automation
Cray Research, Inc.
CrossWind Technologies, Inc.
Cypress Consulting, Inc.
DataLynx, Inc.
Devcom Mid America Inc.
Digital Equipment Corporation
Einstein's Universe
Elegant Communications Inc.
ENlighten Software
Enterprise Systems Management Corporation
Falcon Systems Inc.
Fastlane Systems Ltd.
FSA Corporation
Fujitsu Microelectronics Inc.
GD Associates Ltd.
GraphOn Corporation
Internet Security Systems, Inc.
Landmark Systems Corporation
Legato Systems, Inc.
LSC Incorporated
Miller-Freeman, Inc.
Network Appliance, Inc.
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
Open Systems Management Inc.
Parity Systems, Inc.
Pencom Systems Inc.
Personal Productivity Tools, Inc.
Platinum Technology, Inc.
Prentice Hall PTR
RDI Computer Corporation
SCH Technologies
Shiva Corporation
Software Moguls
Spectra Logic Inc.
Storage Computer Corporation
SunSoft, Inc.   http://www.Sun.COM/products-n-solutions/sw/solstice
SyncSort Incorporated
Taos Mountain
TeamQuest Corporation
Transarc Corporation
Trusted Information Systems, Inc.
Underscore, Inc.
Veritas Software, Inc.
Walnut Creek CDROM Inc.
Workstation Solutions, Inc.

The USENIX student stipend program covers travel, living expenses,
and registration fees to enable full-time students to attend USENIX
meetings.  Detailed information about applying for a stipend is
available at the USENIX web site:, by
reading or sending email to

One copy of the conference proceedings and one copy of the Invited
Talks Submitted Notes may be picked up at the conference by all
technical sessions registrants.  Additional copies may also be
purchased.  After the conference, contact the USENIX Association
Executive Office, telephone 510.528.8649 or send email to

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings
Do you have a topic that you'd like to discuss with others?  Our
Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions may be perfect for you.  BoFs are very
interactive and informal gatherings for attendees interested in a
particular topic.  Schedule your BoF in advance by sending email to or by telephoning the USENIX Conference
Office at 714.588.8649.  BoFs may also be scheduled on-site at the
registration desk.

Have a question that's been bothering you?  Try asking a USENIX
guru!  Experts from the USENIX community will be available to spark
controversy and answer questions.  These are informal discussions
among participants, one more way at the conference to transmit
information.  Please contact Steve Simmons via email to
 if you would like to volunteer your

The Terminal Room will provide Internet and dial-out access, along
with laptop facilities. PPP access from your Marriott Hotel room
will also be available.  The Terminal Room will be open Monday -

Would you like to become a Terminal Room volunteer?  Terminal Room
volunteers receive a complimentary technical sessions
registration.  Look for details posted to

Short, pithy, and fun.  Works-in-Progress Reports (WIPs) introduce
interesting new or ongoing work.  If you have work you would like
to share or a cool idea that is not quite ready to be published, a
WIP is for you!  We are particularly interested in presenting
student work.  To reserve your presentation slot, contact Adam
Moskowitz via email to .  A list of topics is
announced on-site.

Electronic message service will be available Monday, September 30
through Friday, October 4.  Email to conference attendees should be

Telephone messages during the conference may be left by telephoning
the Marriott Hotel at 312.836.0100 and asking for the USENIX
Message Center Desk.  The Message Center will be open beginning on
Sunday, September 29, 7:30 am - 9:00 pm, and continue during
conference hours until October 4, at 3:30 pm.

Wednesday, October 2
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm   
Come celebrate ten years of LISA with us!

The USENIX Association is a provider of Continuing Education
Units (CEUs) and offers CEUs for a small additional
administrative fee.  Established by the International Association
for Continuing Education and Training, the CEU is a nationally
recognized standard unit of measure for continuing education and
training, and is used by thousands of organizations across the
United States.  Each full-day USENIX tutorial, or two half-day
tutorials, qualifies for 0.6 CEUs.  You can request CEU credit by
completing the CEU section on the registration form.  USENIX
provides a certificate for each attendee taking a tutorial for
CEU credit, and maintains transcripts for all CEU students.  CEUs
are not the same as college credits.  Consult your employer or
school to determine their applicability.

USENIX is the UNIX and Advanced Computing Systems Technical and
Professional Association.  Since 1975 the USENIX Association has
brought together the community of system administrators, engineers,
scientists, and technicians working on the cutting edge of the
computing world.

The USENIX technical conferences have become the essential meeting
grounds for the presentation and discussion of the most advanced
information on new developments in all aspects of advanced
computing systems.

The USENIX Association and its members are dedicated to:
* problem-solving with a practical bias
* fostering innovation and research that works
* communicating rapidly the results of both research and innovation
* providing a neutral forum for the exercise of critical thought and 
  the airing of technical     

SAGE, a Special Technical Group within the USENIX Association, is
dedicated to the recognition and advancement of system
administration as a profession.  To join SAGE, you must also be a
member of USENIX.

SAGE activities currently include the publishing of the Short
Topics in System Administration series, the first of which is Job
Descriptions for System Administrators and the next two of which
will be about policies and security;  "SAGE News", a regular
section in ;login:; and The System Administrator Profile, an annual
survey of system administrator salaries and responsibilities;
co-sponsoring the LISA conference; encouraging the formation of
local SAGE groups; and an archive site for papers from the LISA
conferences and sys admin-related documentation.

For more membership information call 510.528.8649, send email to 
, or visit our web site 

Chicago is known as the Second City, though it is second to none.
It has first class architecture, and plenty of it, excellent
restaurants in all known cuisines (besides being the home of the
stuffed pizza), comedy and jazz clubs, and excellent museums.
Here's a short list of some options.  For more information, visit
the Chicago Web site,

Robie House--Frank Lloyd Wright's masterpiece has daily one hour
tours.  Chicago is very rich in 20th century urban architecture,
and the Chicago Architecture Foundation provides tours in all price
ranges.  Phone:  312.922.3432

The Second City-The big daddy of comedy.  Although not strictly
improv anymore--their shows are actually scripted sketch comedy
revues--this company is the one that started it all.

Museum of Science and Industry--The name says it all.  Unique and
wonderful exhibits, it's "a nirvana of all things cool and nerdy".

Art Institute of Chicago--Renown for its impressionist collection,
it also has photography and furniture and much more.

The Field Museum of Natural History provides a look at some of
Earth's largest, most successful land animals, examining the
diversity and relationships in nature and among cultures.

Other places of interest:  Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the Get Me
High Lounge, the Steppenwolf Theatre Company (John Malkovich is an
alumni), less known museums such as the Oriental Institute, the
Polish Museum of America, Museum of Broadcast Communication, Museum
of Holography, Swedish American Museum, Chicago Historical Society,
and more.

Friday, September 6, 1996

USENIX has negotiated special rates for conference attendees at the
Chicago Marriott Downtown.  Contact the hotel directly to make your
reservation.  You must mention USENIX to get the special rate.  A
one-night room deposit must be guaranteed to a major credit card.
To cancel your reservation, you must notify the hotel at least 24
hours before your planned arrival date.

Chicago Marriott Downtown
540 N. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL  60611
Toll Free:  800.228.9290 (USA and Canada)
Telephone:  312.836.0100
Reservation Fax:  312.245.6938

Room Rates
$131.00 Single/Double Occupancy
(plus local tax, currently 14.9%)

Special Note:  
The USENIX conferences place a heavy demand on meeting space.  To
get meeting space and other services free and keep your conference
registration fees low, USENIX guarantees to use a number of
sleeping rooms.  Contracts are signed long in advance.  The penalty
for not meeting the guarantee may exceed $100,000.  You must
mention USENIX when reserving your room to ensure that it counts
against our room guarantee.  If you use a a corporate rate, it will
not count against our commitment.

Need a Roommate?  
Usenet facilitates room sharing.  If you wish to share a room, post
to and check 

Special airline discounts will be available for USENIX attendees. 
Please call for details:
          JNR, Inc.          
          Toll Free     800.343.4546 (USA and Canada)
          Telephone     714.476.2788

The Marriott Hotel is in downtown Chicago, 23 miles (40-45 minutes)
from O'Hare Airport.

Shuttle Service - Tickets can be purchased for $14.75 one way at
the Continental Airport Express counter located near baggage claim.
Shuttles leave every 10 minutes and takes approximately 45
minutes.  Return trip tickets can be purchased from the shuttle
driver.  Shuttles depart the hotel every 30 minutes, on the hour.

Train Service - For those traveling with minimal luggage, the
O'Hare Line train can provide transportation to and from the
airport. The "Grand Stop" is located just two blocks from the
Chicago Marriott Hotel.  Cost:  $1.50 one way.

Taxi service is also available at an approximate cost of $30 - $35
one way.

Parking in Chicago is scarce and expensive.  The Marriott offers
valet parking at $21.50/day and self parking at $18/day.  General
Parking also provides parking, across the street from the
Marriott,  for $15/day with no in and out privileges.

A limited number of seats in each tutorial are reserved for
full-time students at the very special rate of $70.00 for either
two - 1/2 day tutorial classes or one full-day tutorial (2 units).
To take advantage of this, you must telephone the conference office
to confirm availability and make a reservation.  You will receive a
reservation code number which must appear on your Registration
Form.  Your registration form with full payment and a photocopy of
your current student I.D. card must arrive within 14 days from the
date of your reservation.  If they do not arrive by that date, your
reservation will be cancelled.  This special fee is

Technical Sessions
USENIX offers a special discount rate of $75 for its technical
sessions for full-time students.  You must include a copy of your
current student I.D. card with your registration.  This special fee
is not transferable.

*Admission to the tutorial(s) you select
*Printed tutorial notes for your selected courses
*Admission to the Vendor Display

			  SCO's Case Against IBM

November 12, 2003 - Jed Boal from Eyewitness News KSL 5 TV provides an
overview on SCO's case against IBM. Darl McBride, SCO's president and CEO,
talks about the lawsuit's impact and attacks. Jason Holt, student and 
Linux user, talks about the benefits of code availability and the merits 
of the SCO vs IBM lawsuit. See SCO vs IBM.

Note: The materials and information included in these Web pages are not to
be used for any other purpose other than private study, research, review
or criticism.