Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Posting-Version: notesfiles - hp 1.2 08/01/83; site hp-pcd.UUCP
Path: utzoo!utcs!lsuc!pesnta!hplabs!hp-pcd!jim
From: j...@hp-pcd.UUCP (jim)
Newsgroups: net.micro
Subject: HP Integral PC Specs
Message-ID: <6200049@hp-pcd.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 4-Mar-85 13:59:00 EST
Article-I.D.: hp-pcd.6200049
Posted: Mon Mar  4 13:59:00 1985
Date-Received: Wed, 6-Mar-85 14:17:20 EST
Organization: Hewlett-Packard - Corvallis, OR
Lines: 170
Nf-ID: #N:hp-pcd:6200049:000:6392
Nf-From: hp-pcd!jim    Mar  4 10:59:00 1985

    Here is a rundown on the Integral PC from Hewlett-Packard:

    Standard machine:

    Portable Personal Computer running UNIX** System III
    built into ROM.  Standard built-in floppy, ink-jet printer,
    electroluminescent display, IEEE-488 interface.  $4995.00

    Processor:  Motorola 68000 at 8Mhz clock rate

    Graphics:  HP Graphics Processing Unit attached to
		32K of dedicated display memory

    Internal Memory:
		256K ROM - contains HP-UX* kernel, window manager,
		   and rom disc.  The rom disc contains a
		   Personal Applications Manager (PAM), which is
		   a user-friendly visual shell.
		512K RAM built in.  The two card slots in the back
		   allow the ram to be expanded to 1.5Meg with two 
		   512K RAM cards, or more by plugging a port
		   expander into a card slot (Expandable to over
		   7 Megabytes).

    Mass storage: 
		Built-in double-sided double-density 3 1/2 inch
		microfloppy disc drive.  Capacity is
		710K bytes (512 bytes per sector, 9 sectors per
		track, 80 tracks per surface, 2 recording surfaces
		per disc).
		600 RPM rotational speed.
		350 milliseconds average access time.

		9 inch electroluminescent (EL) display
		255 by 512 pixel, bit-mapped display
		The windows are standard 24 x 80 character size.
		The display has an adjustable viewing angle (5 to 17
		degrees in 2 degree steps).

    Keyboard:   90 key full travel keyboard, 8 function keys, 
		numeric pad, can be remapped.

    Printer:    Built-in ThinkJet Personal Printer.
		Ink-jet dot-matrix at 150cps, 1K printer buffer,
		operates at 50 decibels (quiet!).

    I/O: 	Built-in HPIB (IEEE-488) interface.

    Software shipped with the machine:
	5 - microfloppy discs worth.  
	     * tutor disc
	     * HP-UX commands
		32 of the high-use UNIX** commands, this
		includes vi, csh, sh.
	     * HP-UX utilities
		User-friendly utilities for formatting discs,
		copying discs, etc
	     * System disc - contains loadable drivers 
	     * Standard applications - contains ed, adventure,
		mille, rpn (a calculator), font editor

    Fully transportable integrated package:  No charge

    Weight: 25 pounds (11.4 kilograms)

    Size:  7 inches deep by 13 inches high by 16 inches wide
	   (17.5 cm by 32.5 cm by 40 cm)

    Price:  $4995.00

   *HP-UX is Hewlett-Packard's implementation of the AT&T UNIX**
      Operating System (The Integral is based on Bell System III).
   **UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Technologies.

   Other goodies:

    256K byte RAM card		$ 695
    512K byte RAM card		 1495
    RS-232C Serial Interface      195
    300/1200 Baud modem card	  595
    Mouse			  195
    Bus expander		 1495

    Hard discs hook up to the HPIB (IEEE-488 interface), e.g.
    9134D  14.8 Meg (formatted) $3040


    Microsoft Multiplan		$ 295
    Memomaker (editor)		  195
    Calculator			   75
    C Compiler			  295
    HP-UX Technical Basic	  295
    Datacomm			  150
    Microtrak (Pert charter)      775

    HP-UX Development system      TBA
      (Everything else in UNIX)


     The following tables are derived from tests run here
     and figures reported in the August 1985 issue of BYTE
     in an article titled 'Benchmarking UNIX Systems'
     written by David F. Hinnant.

                             1. Pipe            2. System Call  3. Func Call
Computer      Version     real user  sys      real user  sys      real
VAX-11/750    4.1 BSD     4.6  0.2   2.1      7.0  0.9   6.2      1.7
 =>Integral              12.1  0.1  12.1     12.1  0.3  11.9      1.7
IBM PC XT     PC/IX      16.6  0.1   7.6     39.8  2.9  35.6      4.7
PDP-11/23     VENIX      30.0  0.1   9.5     24.0  3.2  20.4      3.3
TRS-80 16B    XENIX       8.0  0.1   3.4     15.0  1.5  12.7      1.4
Apple Lisa    SYS III+    8.1  0.0   3.0     10.5  0.2   9.1      1.3

                             4. Sieve        5a. Disc Write   5b. Disc read
Computer      Version     real user  sys          real            real
VAX-11/750    4.1 BSD     2.4  2.7   0.1          3.0             8.0
 =>Integral               4.4  4.3   0.1         24.5            32.5
IBM PC XT     PC/IX       8.2  7.8   0.3         11.6            20.7
PDP-11/23     VENIX       5.5  5.1   0.1         11.6            33.7
TRS-80 16B    XENIX       6.0  4.8   0.3          8.0            22.0
Apple Lisa    SYS III+    6.1  5.3   0.1         20.8            44.5

                             6. Shell           7. Loop
Computer      Version     real user  sys      real user  sys  
VAX-11/750    4.1 BSD     3.9  0.4   1.5      5.1  4.9   0.1
 =>Integral              20.2  1.0  18.4     11.6 11.4   0.2
IBM PC XT     PC/IX       8.5  1.1   3.2     32.2 31.5   0.3
PDP-11/23     VENIX      12.0  0.7   4.8     26.0 25.2   0.1
TRS-80 16B    XENIX      18.0  0.4   2.6     14.0 12.5   0.5
Apple Lisa    SYS III+   37.6  0.4   3.2     14.0 14.9   0.2

                             Number of Concurrent processes
Computer      Version      1       2       3       4       5
VAX-11/750    4.1 BSD     4.3     5.5     8.8    10.3    13.3
 =>Integral              14.6    28.2    40.0    55.7  1:08.8
IBM PC XT     PC/IX      10.6    23.4    42.8  1:14.1  1:24.2
PDP-11/23     VENIX      14.0    32.8    -     -       -
TRS-80 16B    XENIX      20.0    24.5    33.0    56.5  1:10.5
Apple Lisa    SYS III+   38.1  1:14.8  1:54.5  2:34.2  3:14.6

Disclaimer:  Hewlett-Packard is not responsible for any errors or
   inaccuracies in this information.   In fact, this notes entry may
   have been generated by a noisy communications line.

{ decvax, ucbvax } ! harpo ! hp-pcd ! jim

/* ------- */

Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/18/84; site ames.UUCP
Path: utzoo!utcs!lsuc!pesnta!hplabs!ames!eugene
From: eug...@ames.UUCP (Eugene Miya)
Newsgroups: net.micro
Subject: Re: HP Integral PC Specs
Message-ID: <851@ames.UUCP>
Date: Wed, 6-Mar-85 12:06:07 EST
Article-I.D.: ames.851
Posted: Wed Mar  6 12:06:07 1985
Date-Received: Thu, 7-Mar-85 17:22:47 EST
References: <6200049@hp-pcd.UUCP>
Organization: NASA-Ames Research Center, Mtn. View, CA
Lines: 38

>     Here is a rundown on the Integral PC from Hewlett-Packard:
>     Software shipped with the machine:
> 	5 - microfloppy discs worth.  
> 	     * HP-UX commands
> 		32 of the high-use UNIX** commands, this
> 		includes vi, csh, sh.
>     HP-UX Development system      TBA
>       (Everything else in UNIX)

two hp reps brought one of these machines to my office.  five of us hobbled
over to a larger room.  it's an impressive machine for it's size and what it
does.  i want to emphasize the above points: the version we had some 20
commands from what most users would call /bin or /usr/bin [ and /usr/ucb
if you are running bsd].

after a few minutes you get tired of hearing the floppy turn [they
also said there is a fan in the thing: it was pretty quiet].  you
really have to have the 55 MB disk to appreciate it.  the Development
environment has pwb, wwb, as well as 'the rest.' [ this includes uucp.  just
think you can have a portable roving uucp node!]  this means no languages
on the bare machine except hp-basic.  speed and screen resolution are ok.
the printer goes for 500 pages before a new head assembly is needed
[really small thing, inexpensive, a smoother than plain paper is needed].
the hp-ib appears to be a nice thing to have.  the process limit
is fixed around 10, i think, + or - a few: we had the window manager
and two shells running as well.  the mouse has different semantics.
you have to test drive this machine.  i'll wait for the lap-sized
version of this machine in the future {must have more storage}, it
weighs [they said] 25 lbs.  i think our model was 30 [i carry a 20 lbs
mac to and from work, when well].

--eugene miya
  NASA Ames Research Center

Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Posting-Version: notesfiles - hp 1.2 08/01/83; site hp-pcd.UUCP
Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!ihnp4!houxm!whuxl!whuxlm!akgua!sdcsvax!sdcrdcf!hplabs!hp-pcd!jay
From: j...@hp-pcd.UUCP (jay)
Newsgroups: net.micro
Subject: Re: HP Integral PC Specs
Message-ID: <6200050@hp-pcd.UUCP>
Date: Sat, 9-Mar-85 12:15:00 EST
Article-I.D.: hp-pcd.6200050
Posted: Sat Mar  9 12:15:00 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 10-Mar-85 08:16:43 EST
References: <6200049@hp-pcd.UUCP>
Organization: Hewlett-Packard - Corvallis, OR
Lines: 11
Nf-ID: #R:hp-pcd:6200049:hp-pcd:6200050:000:350
Nf-From: hp-pcd!jay    Mar  7 09:15:00 1985

	A perusal of the source codes shows that the process limit
	is 40.  The maximum number of windows is 26.  The limit that
	most people run into is the amount of RAM available.  Since we
	do not swap, when you run out of memory, you're not allowed to
	exec any more processes.

	Jay Phillips
	HP Portable Computer Division

Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Posting-Version: notesfiles - hp 1.2 08/01/83; site hp-pcd.UUCP
Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!ihnp4!pesnta!hplabs!hp-pcd!jim
From: j...@hp-pcd.UUCP (jim)
Newsgroups: net.micro.hp
Subject: HP Integral PC specs
Message-ID: <77900002@hp-pcd.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 18-Mar-85 12:21:00 EST
Article-I.D.: hp-pcd.77900002
Posted: Mon Mar 18 12:21:00 1985
Date-Received: Thu, 21-Mar-85 02:25:30 EST
Organization: Hewlett-Packard - Corvallis, OR
Lines: 170
Nf-ID: #N:hp-pcd:77900002:000:6392
Nf-From: hp-pcd!jim    Mar 18 09:21:00 1985

    Here is a rundown on the Integral PC from Hewlett-Packard:

    Standard machine:

    Portable Personal Computer running UNIX** System III
    built into ROM.  Standard built-in floppy, ink-jet printer,
    electroluminescent display, IEEE-488 interface.  $4995.00

    Processor:  Motorola 68000 at 8Mhz clock rate

    Graphics:  HP Graphics Processing Unit attached to
		32K of dedicated display memory

    Internal Memory:
		256K ROM - contains HP-UX* kernel, window manager,
		   and rom disc.  The rom disc contains a
		   Personal Applications Manager (PAM), which is
		   a user-friendly visual shell.
		512K RAM built in.  The two card slots in the back
		   allow the ram to be expanded to 1.5Meg with two 
		   512K RAM cards, or more by plugging a port
		   expander into a card slot (Expandable to over
		   7 Megabytes).

    Mass storage: 
		Built-in double-sided double-density 3 1/2 inch
		microfloppy disc drive.  Capacity is
		710K bytes (512 bytes per sector, 9 sectors per
		track, 80 tracks per surface, 2 recording surfaces
		per disc).
		600 RPM rotational speed.
		350 milliseconds average access time.

		9 inch electroluminescent (EL) display
		255 by 512 pixel, bit-mapped display
		The windows are standard 24 x 80 character size.
		The display has an adjustable viewing angle (5 to 17
		degrees in 2 degree steps).

    Keyboard:   90 key full travel keyboard, 8 function keys, 
		numeric pad, can be remapped.

    Printer:    Built-in ThinkJet Personal Printer.
		Ink-jet dot-matrix at 150cps, 1K printer buffer,
		operates at 50 decibels (quiet!).

    I/O: 	Built-in HPIB (IEEE-488) interface.

    Software shipped with the machine:
	5 - microfloppy discs worth.  
	     * tutor disc
	     * HP-UX commands
		32 of the high-use UNIX** commands, this
		includes vi, csh, sh.
	     * HP-UX utilities
		User-friendly utilities for formatting discs,
		copying discs, etc
	     * System disc - contains loadable drivers 
	     * Standard applications - contains ed, adventure,
		mille, rpn (a calculator), font editor

    Fully transportable integrated package:  No charge

    Weight: 25 pounds (11.4 kilograms)

    Size:  7 inches deep by 13 inches high by 16 inches wide
	   (17.5 cm by 32.5 cm by 40 cm)

    Price:  $4995.00

   *HP-UX is Hewlett-Packard's implementation of the AT&T UNIX**
      Operating System (The Integral is based on Bell System III).
   **UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Technologies.

   Other goodies:

    256K byte RAM card		$ 695
    512K byte RAM card		 1495
    RS-232C Serial Interface      195
    300/1200 Baud modem card	  595
    Mouse			  195
    Bus expander		 1495

    Hard discs hook up to the HPIB (IEEE-488 interface), e.g.
    9134D  14.8 Meg (formatted) $3040


    Microsoft Multiplan		$ 295
    Memomaker (editor)		  195
    Calculator			   75
    C Compiler			  295
    HP-UX Technical Basic	  295
    Datacomm			  150
    Microtrak (Pert charter)      775

    HP-UX Development system      TBA
      (Everything else in UNIX)


     The following tables are derived from tests run here
     and figures reported in the August 1984 issue of BYTE
     in an article titled 'Benchmarking UNIX Systems'
     written by David F. Hinnant.

                             1. Pipe            2. System Call  3. Func Call
Computer      Version     real user  sys      real user  sys      real
VAX-11/750    4.1 BSD     4.6  0.2   2.1      7.0  0.9   6.2      1.7
 =>Integral              12.1  0.1  12.1     12.1  0.3  11.9      1.7
IBM PC XT     PC/IX      16.6  0.1   7.6     39.8  2.9  35.6      4.7
PDP-11/23     VENIX      30.0  0.1   9.5     24.0  3.2  20.4      3.3
TRS-80 16B    XENIX       8.0  0.1   3.4     15.0  1.5  12.7      1.4
Apple Lisa    SYS III+    8.1  0.0   3.0     10.5  0.2   9.1      1.3

                             4. Sieve        5a. Disc Write   5b. Disc read
Computer      Version     real user  sys          real            real
VAX-11/750    4.1 BSD     2.4  2.7   0.1          3.0             8.0
 =>Integral               4.4  4.3   0.1         24.5            32.5
IBM PC XT     PC/IX       8.2  7.8   0.3         11.6            20.7
PDP-11/23     VENIX       5.5  5.1   0.1         11.6            33.7
TRS-80 16B    XENIX       6.0  4.8   0.3          8.0            22.0
Apple Lisa    SYS III+    6.1  5.3   0.1         20.8            44.5

                             6. Shell           7. Loop
Computer      Version     real user  sys      real user  sys  
VAX-11/750    4.1 BSD     3.9  0.4   1.5      5.1  4.9   0.1
 =>Integral              20.2  1.0  18.4     11.6 11.4   0.2
IBM PC XT     PC/IX       8.5  1.1   3.2     32.2 31.5   0.3
PDP-11/23     VENIX      12.0  0.7   4.8     26.0 25.2   0.1
TRS-80 16B    XENIX      18.0  0.4   2.6     14.0 12.5   0.5
Apple Lisa    SYS III+   37.6  0.4   3.2     14.0 14.9   0.2

                             Number of Concurrent processes
Computer      Version      1       2       3       4       5
VAX-11/750    4.1 BSD     4.3     5.5     8.8    10.3    13.3
 =>Integral              14.6    28.2    40.0    55.7  1:08.8
IBM PC XT     PC/IX      10.6    23.4    42.8  1:14.1  1:24.2
PDP-11/23     VENIX      14.0    32.8    -     -       -
TRS-80 16B    XENIX      20.0    24.5    33.0    56.5  1:10.5
Apple Lisa    SYS III+   38.1  1:14.8  1:54.5  2:34.2  3:14.6

Disclaimer:  Hewlett-Packard is not responsible for any errors or
   inaccuracies in this information.   In fact, this notes entry may
   have been generated by a noisy communications line.

{ decvax, ucbvax } ! harpo ! hp-pcd ! jim

/* ------- */

			  SCO's Case Against IBM

November 12, 2003 - Jed Boal from Eyewitness News KSL 5 TV provides an
overview on SCO's case against IBM. Darl McBride, SCO's president and CEO,
talks about the lawsuit's impact and attacks. Jason Holt, student and 
Linux user, talks about the benefits of code availability and the merits 
of the SCO vs IBM lawsuit. See SCO vs IBM.

Note: The materials and information included in these Web pages are not to
be used for any other purpose other than private study, research, review
or criticism.