Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!rutgers!ames!ucbcad!ucbvax!hplabs!nsc!misha
From: (Michael Umansky)
Newsgroups: comp.os.minix
Subject: PC/8088 emulator on MINIX tape
Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 14-May-87 22:52:30 EDT
Article-I.D.: nsc.4328
Posted: Thu May 14 22:52:30 1987
Date-Received: Sat, 16-May-87 14:10:07 EDT
Organization: National Semiconductor, Sunnyvale
Lines: 38

Hello.  I would like to ask couple of questions:

The PC/8088 emulator that comes on the TAPE distribution of MINIX, is it
an emulator for the 8088 processor or for the PC-DOS operating system, and
how accurate is it (anyone has the emulator?)?

Does the source to the emulator come with it?

If I order the TAPE distribution, will I be able to copy the sources
from tape to floppies and have something close to the XT-640K distribution
and be able to build it on PC???

Also, how can I tell if I get the original MINIX distribution or the
NEW, UPDATED VERSION that Prentice-Hall is supposed to be shipping in June?

Can anyone remind me on how to get the compiler sources!

Does anyone know if the separation of as and ld has been completed and if
the new versions will be in the new, updated distribution?

Thanks to all with knowledge!
		NAME:   Michael Umansky (misha)
			 	sun! ----\
				hplabs! --\
				pyramid! --+----> nsc!misha
				decwrl! --/
				amdahl! -/
			National Semiconductor Corporation
			1135 Kern Avenue
			Sunnyvale, CA  94086
			(408) 721-8109 (work)
			4331 Lincoln Way
			San Francisco, CA  94122
			(415) 564-3921 (home)

Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!mcvax!botter!ast
From: (Andy Tanenbaum)
Newsgroups: comp.os.minix
Subject: Re: PC/8088 emulator on MINIX tape
Message-ID: <>
Date: Sun, 17-May-87 09:28:12 EDT
Article-I.D.: botter.1180
Posted: Sun May 17 09:28:12 1987
Date-Received: Sun, 17-May-87 20:01:40 EDT
References: <>
Reply-To: (Andy Tanenbaum)
Organization: VU Informatica, Amsterdam
Lines: 35

In article <> (Michael Umansky) writes:
>The PC/8088 emulator that comes on the TAPE distribution of MINIX, is it
>an emulator for the 8088 processor or for the PC-DOS operating system, and
>how accurate is it (anyone has the emulator?)?
It is basically an 8088 interpreter, with simulation of the floppy disk, clock
and display (partially).  There is no input.  It interprets a raw 8088, and
knows nothing about DOS or even the BIOS.  It can run MINIX, but it is slow.

>Does the source to the emulator come with it?
The full source is included.

>If I order the TAPE distribution, will I be able to copy the sources
>from tape to floppies and have something close to the XT-640K distribution
>and be able to build it on PC???
Only with a lot of work.  The tape contains no binaries and does not contain
any C compiler (neither source nor binary).  This means that you need the C
compiler at the very least.  Then you have to figure out what to do.
Since all the sources are there, in theory it should be possible.

>Also, how can I tell if I get the original MINIX distribution or the
>NEW, UPDATED VERSION that Prentice-Hall is supposed to be shipping in June?
There is only one distribution so far, MINIX 1.1.  Someday there may be a 
MINIX 1.2, but not until the Fall, at the earliest.. 

>Can anyone remind me on how to get the compiler sources!
See the preface of the book.  Briefly, they are available from UniPress in
Edison NJ at (201) 985-8000 and Transmediair Utrecht BV in Holland at
(30) 78 18 20.

>Does anyone know if the separation of as and ld has been completed and if
>the new versions will be in the new, updated distribution?
I know.  It hasn't happened yet and won't for months, at best.  The split
I & D asld is almost ready, however.

Andy Tanenbaum (

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