Newsgroups: biz.sco.announce
From: i...@sco.COM (SCO Information)
Subject: SCO Open Desktop Release 3.0 Supplementary Documentation
Organization: XeniTec Consulting Services, Kitchener, ON, Canada
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1993 23:06:19 GMT
Message-ID:  <9306041606.aa11669@mascot.sco.COM>
Followup-To: biz.sco.opendesktop
Sender: (Ed Hew)
Lines: 76

June 7, 1993 ....  SCO is  now accepting orders for Release 3.0 of the
SCO Open  Desktop/SCO Open Server Supplementary Documentation. Product
and availability information follow:

PRODUCT NAME:  SCO Open Desktop/SCO Open Server Supplementary

DESCRIPTION:  The   SCO  Open  Desktop/SCO  Open  Server  Release  3.0
  Supplementary Documentation  is designed  for system administrators,
  developers, and  advanced users who want to know more about SCO Open
  Desktop's and SCO Open Server's complete set of system services. The
  manuals provide  detailed information  on SCO  Open Desktop/SCO Open
  Server  networking,   and  MS-DOS  and  UNIX  System  operation  and
  administration, which  is normally  beyond the  scope of the typical
  user. The  Supplementary Documentation also includes hardcopy manual
  versions of the online SCO Open Desktop X Reference and Desktop Help

  The SCO  Open Desktop/SCO  Open  Server  Release  3.0  Supplementary
  Documentation consists of:

    SCO Open Server Release 3.0 Release Notes
    SCO UNIX Operating System User's Guide
    SCO UNIX Operating System User's Reference
    SCO UNIX Operating System System Administrator's Reference
    SCO UNIX Operating System Permuted Index
    SCO Shell User's Guide
    SCO Open Desktop X Reference and Desktop Help
    SCO Merge, MS-DOS Version 5.0 User's Guide and Reference
    SCO TCP/IP Runtime System for SCO UNIX Systems Command Reference
    SCO NFS Programmer's Guide and Command Reference
PRICING: Contact your Authorized SCO Reseller.
 For local supplier referral, you may contact SCO as follows:
 USA: 800-726-8649
 Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore: 408-425-7222
 Europe, Middle East, Africa, rest of Asia: +44 (0) 923 816344

AVAILABILITY: First  customer shipments  of SCO  Open Desktop/SCO Open
  Server Release  3.0 Supplementary  Documentation are  anticipated to
  begin in June, 1993.


  Authorized  SCO Resellers  and Distributors  must order  the SCO
  Open  Desktop/SCO   Open  Server   Supplementary  Documentation   in
  quantities of  at least  five (5)  units when  stocking product. All
  single-quantity, individual orders for the SCO Open Desktop/SCO Open
  Server Supplementary  Documentation must  include the customer name,
  ship-to address, and product serial number on the purchase order.
  SCO-licensed  OEMs should  contract with  SCO to receive the SCO
  Open  Desktop/SCO   Open  Server   Supplementary  Documentation  for
  inclusion and/or distribution to their channels.
  Effective  October 1,  1993 the  SCO Open  Desktop  Release  1.1
  Optional Documentation  will be withdrawn from the product offering.

SCO, Open  Desktop, and  SCO Open  Server are trademarks or registered
trademarks of  The Santa  Cruz Operation, Inc. in the U.S.A. and other
countries. All  other brand  or product names are or may be trademarks
of, and are used to identify products or services of, their respective

The Santa  Cruz Operation, Inc. reserves the right to change or modify
any of the product specifications or features described herein without
notice. This  product summary  is for  information only.  SCO makes no
express or implied representations or warranties in this summary.

All references to the SCO UNIX Operating System or the SCO UNIX System
refer to the SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 Operating System.

Copyright (c) 1993 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.  All Rights Reserved

			  SCO's Case Against IBM

November 12, 2003 - Jed Boal from Eyewitness News KSL 5 TV provides an
overview on SCO's case against IBM. Darl McBride, SCO's president and CEO,
talks about the lawsuit's impact and attacks. Jason Holt, student and 
Linux user, talks about the benefits of code availability and the merits 
of the SCO vs IBM lawsuit. See SCO vs IBM.

Note: The materials and information included in these Web pages are not to
be used for any other purpose other than private study, research, review
or criticism.