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From: s...@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford)
Subject: Workshop on Distributed & Multiprocessor Systems
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Date: 24 Aug 89 16:33:05 GMT
Sender: n...@cs.purdue.EDU
Reply-To: (Gene Spafford)
Organization: Department of Computer Science, Purdue University
Lines: 167

Well, as two IEEE-CS technical committees are cooperating sponsors on
this, I guess it is appropriate to post this here, too.

Workshop on Experiences with Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems*

October 5-6, 1989, Marriott Hotel, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

     The goal of this workshop is to bring together individuals who
have built, are building, or will soon build distributed and
multiprocessor systems, espe- cially operating systems.  The workshop
will feature full presentations and work-in-progress presentations on
aspects of building and using these systems.  The workshop will
provide a forum for individuals to exchange information on their
experiences, both good and bad, in designing, building, and testing
their systems.  This includes experiences with coding aids, languages,
distributed debugging tools, prototyping, reuse of existing software,
performance analysis, and lessons learned from use of such systems.

Tentative Schedule

Thursday, Oct. 5

8:30 Opening remarks.	 George Leach, Workshop Chair

8:45 Session I: Objects and Virtual Memory

       A Distributed Implementation of the Shared Data-Object Model
       Henri E. Bal, M. Frans Kaashoek and Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Vrije
       Universiteit, Amsterdam)

       An Implementation of Distributed Shared Memory Umakishore
       Ramachandran and M. Yousef A. Khalidi (Georgia Institute of
       Technology, Atlanta)

       An Object-Oriented Implementation of Distributed Virtual Memory
       Gary M. Johnston and R. H. Campbell (University of Illinois at
       Urbana- Champaign)

10:45 Session II: Process Control

       Experience with Process Migration in Sprite Fred Douglis
       (University of California, Berkeley)

       Dynamic Server Squads in Yackos Debra Hensgen and Raphael
       Finkel (University of Kentucky, Lexington)

       Fine-Grain Scheduling Henry Massalin and Calton Pu (Columbia
       University, New York)

1:30 Session III: Performance Considerations

       The Parallelization of Mach/4.3BSD: Design Philosophy and
       Performance Analysis Joseph Boykin and Alan Langerman (Encore
       Computer Corporation, Marlborough)

       Efficient Implementation of Modularity in RAID Charles Koelbel,
       Fady Lamaa, and Bharat Bhargava (Purdue University, West

       Making libc Suitable for use by Parallel Programs Julie Kucera
       (Convex Computer Corporation, Richardson)

3:30 Session IV: Concepts

       Revolution 89 -or- Distributing UNIX Brings it Back to its
       Original Virtues Francois Armand, Michel Gien, Frederic
       Herrmann, and Marc Rozier (Chorus systemes, En Yvelines)

       A Network File System Supporting Stashing Luis L. Cova, Rafael
       Alonso, and Daniel Barbara (Princeton University)

4:20 Work-in-Progress presentations.

Friday, Oct. 6

8:30 Session V: Multiprocessors

       TUMULT-64: a real-time multi-processor system Pierre G. Jansen
       and Gerard J. M. Smit (University of Twente, Enschede)

       Experiences with a Family of Multiprocessor Real-Time Operating
       Systems Prabha Gopinath and Thomas Bihari (Philips
       Laboratories, Briarcliff Manor)

       Implementation Issues for the Psyche Multiprocessor Operating
       System Michael L. Scott, Thomas J. LeBlanc, and Brian D. Marsh
       (University of Rochester)

10:30 Session VI: Tools

       Experience with P/Mothra: A Tool for Mutation Based Testing on
       A Hypercube ByoungJu Choi and Aditya P. Mathur (Purdue
       University, West Lafayette)

       Debugging and Performance Monitoring in HPC/VORX Howard P.
       Katseff (AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel)

       CAPS - A Coding Aid used with the PASM Parallel Processing
       System James E. Lumpp, Jr., Samuel A. Fineberg, Wayne G.
       Nation, Thomas L. Casavant, Edward C. Bronson, Howard J.
       Siegel, Perre H. Pero, Thomas Schwederski, and Dan C. Marinescu
       (Purdue University, West Lafayette)

       The Implementation of Aide: A Support Environment for
       Distributed Object-Oriented Systems Rodger Lea and Johnathan
       Walpole (University of Lancaster, Bailrigg)

1:30 Session VII: Object-oriented Construction

       Experience With Implementing and Using An Object-Oriented,
       Distributed System D. Decouchant, M. Riveill, C. Horn, and E.
       Finn (Bull-IMAG, Gieres)

       Prototyping a distributed object-oriented OS on UNIX Marc
       Shapiro (INRIA, Le Chesnay)

       Clouds:	Experiences in Building an Object Based Distributed
       Operating System Umakishore Ramachandran, Sathis Menon, Richard
       J. LeBlanc, M.  Yousef A.  Khalidi, Phillip W. Hutto, Partha
       Dasgupta, Jose M.  Bernabeu-Auban, William F. Appelbe, and
       Mustaque Ahamad (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta)

3:30 Session VIII: Communications, Heterogeneous Systems, and the

       Experiences with Efficient Interprocess Communication in Dune
       Marc F. Pucci and James Alberi (Bell Communications Research,

       Using Transputer Networks to Accelerate Communication Protocols
       Horst Schaaser (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Bristol)

       ARCADE:	A Platform for Heterogeneous Distributed Operating
       Systems David L. Cohn, William P. Delaney, and Karen M. Tracey
       (University of Notre Dame)

       A Decentralized Real-Time Operating System Supporting
       Distributed Execution of Ada Tasks Roger K. Shults (Rockwell
       International-Collins Divisions, Cedar Rapids)

Please register in advance to attend this limited enrollment workshop.

DEADLINE:		September 18, 1989

For information on registration, please contact:
		USENIX Conference Office
		22672 Lambert St., Suite 613
		   El Toro, CA	92630
		    Tel: 714-588-8649
		    FAX: 714-588-9706

* Sponsored by the USENIX Association and the Software Engineering
Research Center (SERC), in cooperation with ACM SIGOPS and ACM
SIGSOFT, and with the IEEE-CS TC on OS and IEEE-CS TC on Distributed
Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

			  SCO's Case Against IBM

November 12, 2003 - Jed Boal from Eyewitness News KSL 5 TV provides an
overview on SCO's case against IBM. Darl McBride, SCO's president and CEO,
talks about the lawsuit's impact and attacks. Jason Holt, student and 
Linux user, talks about the benefits of code availability and the merits 
of the SCO vs IBM lawsuit. See SCO vs IBM.

Note: The materials and information included in these Web pages are not to
be used for any other purpose other than private study, research, review
or criticism.