Newsgroups: alt.os.linux
From: Hongjiu Lu -- Graduate Student <>
Subject: bug fix for the new gcc 1.40
Organization: The Internet
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1992 22:59:36 GMT


I just fixed a FP bug in gnulib, a bug in sqrt(0.0) of libsoft.a and put
a new newgcc.tar.Z on

The cc1 now will support dbx. Now gcc will look for /usr/local/lib and
also check /usr/local/gcc-include. Since gcc is the native compiler on
Linux, I don't see why we should use /usr/local for the standard stuffs
of gcc.

The binary utilities have the same names as they in Unix. There is no
prefix 'g'.

When you get the new newgcc.tar.Z, unpack it in /usr. Everything will
fall in the right place.

If you don't have a 387, use -lsoft instead of -lm when you use math

Some other bugs have been reported in libc.a come with the new gcc
1.40. I am working on gcc 2.0 and a new libc.a. Some of the bugs
in the old libc.a will disappear in the new libc.a. Most of the codes in
../unistd will stay in the new libc.a. But the other parts may be very
different from the old one.

The new libc.a will be ANSI (and BSD?) compatible. I will try to port
as much gnu libc.a as possible, as long as I don't have to change any

I hope someone will take over the old libc.a so that I can spend more
time on the new one. But please send me the bugs. I will make sure it
won't happen in the new one.

BTW, if there is another serious bug in gcc, I will be happy to try to
fix it.


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			  SCO's Case Against IBM

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Linux user, talks about the benefits of code availability and the merits 
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