Re: Quality problems - AGREE!

Sarr Blumson (
Thu, 14 Apr 1994 16:19:40 -0400


I totally agree; plus, instead of giving a message like you
sometimes get from a phone company, for example:

"Sorry you must NOT dial a "1" in front of this number..."
Why not just assume "no 1" and not bother with the message.

In the case of "this xxx relocated to yyy," why not just
link to "yyy" instead of bothering with the message, or,
notify with the message and still link them there.

The analogy is a good one, because in both cases the answer is user training,
either because some future change will make what the user did mean something
different that she probably doesn't want, or so the resources used to do the
transfer (the old phone number or URL) can eventually be reused.

Sarr Blumson
voice: +1 313 764 0253 FAX: +1 313 763 4434
CITI, University of Michigan, 519 W William, Ann Arbor, MI 48103-4943