Message-ID: <anews.Adecvax.151>
Newsgroups: net.general
Path: utzoo!decvax!shannon
X-Path: utzoo!decvax!shannon
From: decvax!shannon
Date: Mon Jan 11 12:05:38 1982
Subject: Usenet Logical Map

Announcing...  the latest and greatest Usenet Logical Map!  This is a
logical map of what we expect the Usenet (not uucpnet) to be like on
February 1, 1982, based on the latest information from Mark Horton.
If this does not correspond to what you expect to have on that date,
you should probably let Mark and us know.  And now, here's the map.

					Bill & Karen Shannon

  USENET Logical Map  -   February 1, 1982 / Bill & Karen Shannon

                         cwrunix--cwruecmp         watarts
                                     |                |
genradbolton   yale-comix     wivax  |     watcgl--watmath--ccnga
    |                |          |    |                |
    |      microsoft |  sultan  |    | ittvax--sii    | utzoo--Slinac
    |          |     |    |     |    |   |            |   |
|   |                  |                            
|   |      +=======+=pur-ee=+=======+        +=========+=====unc======+=====+
|   |      |       |        |       |        |         |              |     |
|   |    cincy  pur-phy  uiucdcs  purdue     |      wolfvax          mcnc  tucc
|   |          	                    |        |                        |     |
|   |                              pucc      |    dukgeri duke34  uok | phs |
|   |                                        |         |   |       |  |  |  |
|   +==+======+======+======+=========duke===+=========+===+=======+==+==+==+=+
|      |      |      |      |                                                 |
|   brl-bmd ucf-cs  reed  adiron    psuvax--allegra  alice--mitccc--mitmath   |
|                    |                         |       |                      |
|                   bio     research---+=======+=====mhtsa==========+=====+=+ |
|                                      |                            |     | | |
| ihuxf ihuxg ihuxh ihuxi ihuxj ihuxk  | ihlc8 ihldt druxj ih1ap  hpuxa   | | |
|   |     |     |     |     |     |    |   |     |     |     |            | | |
| +=+=+===+=+===+=+===+=+===+=+===+=+==ihnss==+==+=+===++=+==++===+===+   | | |
| |   |     |     |     |     |     |      |  |    |    | |   |   |   |   | | |
| | ihuxl ihuxm ihuxn ihuxo ihuxp ihuxs    |  |  ihima  | | ihlpb | ihps3 | | |
| |                                        |  |         | |       |       | | |
| |                                        |  | cornell | |       |       | | |
| |                                        |  |      |  | |       |       | | |
| | hocsd hocse hocsf hocsg      hound     |  |    vax135 |       |       | | |
| |   |     |     |     |          |       |  |      |    |       |       | | |
| | +=+hocsb+=====+=====+    houca | houti |  |      |  rdb-----eagle-----+ | |
| | |                            | | |     |  |      |  |         |         | |
| | |  n  o  p  r  s  t  v  w  y | | |     |  |      |  |   mhuxa | mhuxh   | |
| | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | | |     |  |      |  |       | | |       | |
| | +==+==+==+==+==+==+houxi+==+=+=+=+=+===+  |      |  |     +=mhuxj=+     | |
| | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | |   |   |  |      |  |     | |   | |     | |
| | |  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  j | m ho3e2 |  |      |  | mhuxm |   | mhuxv | |
| | |              |     |       |         |  |      |  |       |   |       | |
| | |    (houx*)   +lime-+       |     u1100a |      |  |   mhb5c   pyuxjj  | |
| | |                            |            |      |  |                   | |
| | |                            |  cbosgd--cbosg    |  |                   | |
| | |                            |            |      |  |                   | |
| | | floyd   presby   u1100s--npois--eiss    |      |  |                   | |
| | |   |       |                |            |      |  |                   | |
| | +===+==+====+=======+========+=====harpo==+======+==+===========+=====+=+ |
| |        |            |                                           |     |   |
| |     whux1b  scl--utah-cs--utah-gr                            zeppo--chico-+
| |                                                                       |
+=+==ucbvax==+------------------------------+=====ucsfcgl=========+    esquire
        :                                   |                     |
ucbonyx : ucbcad  ucbpop  ucbcory   nsc--menlo70--hao--cires      |
  :     :    :       :       :              |                     |
  +==ucbarpa=+====+==+=======+   intelqa--sytek--zehntel        sdcarl
  :               :                         |                     |
ucbopt   uwvax    :   src-unix              gi        sdcatta--sdcattb--phonlab
  |        |      :      @                  |                     |
teklabs    +=====ucb=====+                 psi        sdqmlab--sdcsvax--sdaaron
  |        @             @                                        |
tekmdp    cca--ima    sri-unix                                dcdwestvax
  |        |        
azure     csin      
Legend:	- | +  uucp,	:  Berknet,	@  ARPAnet,	=  "bus"

Message-ID: <anews.Adecvax.154>
Path: utzoo!decvax!shannon
X-Path: utzoo!decvax!shannon
From: decvax!shannon
Date: Sat Jan 23 23:38:07 1982
Subject: Usenet Logical Map

Well, here it is!  Just what you've all been waiting for!  The latest
and greatest Usenet map!!!  Again, this is a USENET map, NOT a UUCP
map.  It shows only NEWS connections AS WE EXPECT THEM TO BE ON FEB. 1.
If this map does not agree with what you expect to have on that date,
send corrections to us (and Mark Horton, cbosgd!mark).  Any future
updates to the topology are also welcomed.  Thank you.

					Bill & Karen Shannon

  USENET Logical Map  -   February 1, 1982 / Bill & Karen Shannon

                         cwrunix--cwruecmp         watarts
                                     |                |
genradbolton    yale-comix    wivax  |     watcgl--watmath--ccnga
    |                |          |    |                |
    |      microsoft |  sultan  |    | ittvax--sii    |  cg-d  utcsrgv   
    |          |     |    |     |    |   |            |   |       |
|   |                  |                            
|   |      +=======+=pur-ee=========+        +======+=======mcnc=====+========+
|   |      |       |                |        |      |        |       |        |
|   |    cincy  uiucdcs  pur-phy--purdue    tucc---unc    wolfvax  web40      |
|   |          	                    |        |      |                         |
|   | uok  dukgeri  phs   duke34   pucc      |      |     adiron              |
|   |  |      |      |      |                |      |       |                 |
|   +==+======+======+======+=========duke===+======+=======+=================+
|      |      |      |                                                        |
|   brl-bmd ucf-cs  reed  princeton--allegra--psuvax alice--mitccc--mitmath   |
|                    |                 |               |                      |
|                   bio     research---+=============mhtsa==========+=====+=+ |
|                                      |                            |     | | |
| ihuxf ihuxg ihuxh ihuxi ihuxj ihuxk  | iwlc8 ihldt druxj ih1ap  hpuxa   | | |
|   |     |     |     |     |     |    |   |     |     |     |            | | |
| +=+=+===+=+===+=+===+=+===+=+===+=+==ihnss==+==++====+=====+===+====+   | | |
| |   |     |     |     |     |     |      |  |   |    |     |   |    |   | | |
| | ihuxl ihuxm ihuxn ihuxo ihuxp ihuxs    |  |   |  ihima ihlpb |  ihps3 | | |
| |                                        |  |   |              |    |   | | |
| | hocsd hocse hocsf hocsg      hound     |  | vax135--cornell  | stolaf | | |
| |   |     |     |     |          |       |  |   |              |        | | |
| | +=+hocsb+=====+=====+    houca | houti |  |   |    rdb-----eagle------+ | |
| | |                            | | |     |  |   |    |         |          | |
| | |  n  o  p  r  s  t  v  w  y | | |     |  |   |    |   mhuxa | mhuxh    | |
| | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | | |     |  |   |    |       | | |        | |
| | +==+==+==+==+==+==+houxi+==+=+=+=+=+===+  |   |    |     +=mhuxj=+      | |
| | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | |   |   |  |   |    |     | |   | |      | |
| | |  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  j | m ho3e2 |  |   |    | mhuxm |   | mhuxv  | |
| | |              |     |       |         |  |   |    |       |   |        | |
| | |    (houx*)   +lime-+       |     u1100a |   |    |   mhb5c   pyuxjj   | |
| | |                |           |            |   |    |                    | |
| | |  uofp         we13         |  cbosgd--cbosg |    |                    | |
| | |   |                        |            |   |    |                    | |
| | | presby--cmc12    u1100s--npois--eiss    |   |    |                    | |
| | |   |                        |            |   |    |                    | |
| | +===+==+============+========+=====harpo==+===+====+============+=====+=+ |
| |        |            |                     |                     |     |   |
| |     whuxlb  scl--utah-cs--utah-gr       floyd                zeppo--chico-+
| |                                                                       |
+=+==ucbvax==+------------------------------+=====ucsfcgl=========+    esquire
        :                                   |                     |
ucbonyx : ucbcad  ucbpop  ucbcory   nsc--menlo70--hao--cires      |
  :     :    :       :       :              |                     |
  +==ucbarpa=+====+==+=======+   intelqa--sytek--zehntel        sdcarl
  :               :                         |                     |
ucbopt   uwvax    :   src-unix              gi        sdcatta--sdcattb--phonlab
  |        @      :      @                  |                     |
teklabs    +=====ucb=====+                 psi        sdqmlab--sdcsvax--sdaaron
  |        @             @                                        |
tekmdp    cca--csin   sri-unix                                dcdwestvax
  |        |        
azure     ima--ico--ico1
Legend:	- |  uucp,	:  Berknet,	@  ARPAnet,	= +  "bus"

			  SCO's Case Against IBM

November 12, 2003 - Jed Boal from Eyewitness News KSL 5 TV provides an
overview on SCO's case against IBM. Darl McBride, SCO's president and CEO,
talks about the lawsuit's impact and attacks. Jason Holt, student and 
Linux user, talks about the benefits of code availability and the merits 
of the SCO vs IBM lawsuit. See SCO vs IBM.

Note: The materials and information included in these Web pages are not to
be used for any other purpose other than private study, research, review
or criticism.