Info file, produced by Makeinfo, -*- Text -*- from input file gcc.texinfo. This file documents the use and the internals of the GNU compiler. Copyright (C) 1988, 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the sections entitled ``GNU General Public License'' and ``Protect Your Freedom--Fight `Look And Feel''' are included exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that the sections entitled ``GNU General Public License'' and ``Protect Your Freedom--Fight `Look And Feel''' and this permission notice may be included in translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.  File:, Node: Stack Layout, Next: Library Names, Prev: Register Classes, Up: Machine Macros Describing Stack Layout ======================= `STACK_GROWS_DOWNWARD' Define this macro if pushing a word onto the stack moves the stack pointer to a smaller address. When we say, ``define this macro if ...,'' it means that the compiler checks this macro only with `#ifdef' so the precise definition used does not matter. `FRAME_GROWS_DOWNWARD' Define this macro if the addresses of local variable slots are at negative offsets from the frame pointer. `STARTING_FRAME_OFFSET' Offset from the frame pointer to the first local variable slot to be allocated. If `FRAME_GROWS_DOWNWARD', the next slot's offset is found by subtracting the length of the first slot from `STARTING_FRAME_OFFSET'. Otherwise, it is found by adding the length of the first slot to the value `STARTING_FRAME_OFFSET'. `PUSH_ROUNDING (NPUSHED)' A C expression that is the number of bytes actually pushed onto the stack when an instruction attempts to push NPUSHED bytes. If the target machine does not have a push instruction, do not define this macro. That directs GNU CC to use an alternate strategy: to allocate the entire argument block and then store the arguments into it. On some machines, the definition #define PUSH_ROUNDING(BYTES) (BYTES) will suffice. But on other machines, instructions that appear to push one byte actually push two bytes in an attempt to maintain alignment. Then the definition should be #define PUSH_ROUNDING(BYTES) (((BYTES) + 1) & ~1) `FIRST_PARM_OFFSET (FUNDECL)' Offset from the argument pointer register to the first argument's address. On some machines it may depend on the data type of the function. (In the next version of GNU CC, the argument will be changed to the function data type rather than its declaration.) `FIRST_PARM_CALLER_OFFSET (FUNDECL)' Define this macro on machines where register parameters have shadow locations on the stack, at addresses below the nominal parameter. This matters because certain arguments cannot be passed on the stack. On these machines, such arguments must be stored into the shadow locations. This macro should expand into a C expression whose value is the offset of the first parameter's shadow location from the nominal stack pointer value. (That value is itself computed by adding the value of `STACK_POINTER_OFFSET' to the stack pointer register.) `REG_PARM_STACK_SPACE' Define this macro if functions should assume that stack space has been allocated for arguments even when their values are passed in registers. The actual allocation of such space would be done either by the call instruction or by the function prologue, or by defining FIRST_PARM_CALLER_OFFSET. `STACK_ARGS_ADJUST (SIZE)' Define this macro if the machine requires padding on the stack for certain function calls. This is padding on a per-function-call basis, not padding for individual arguments. The argument SIZE will be a C variable of type `struct arg_data' which contains two fields, an integer named `constant' and an RTX named `var'. These together represent a size measured in bytes which is the sum of the integer and the RTX. Most of the time `var' is 0, which means that the size is simply the integer. The definition should be a C statement or compound statement which alters the variable supplied in whatever way you wish. Note that the value you leave in the variable `size' will ultimately be rounded up to a multiple of `STACK_BOUNDARY' bits. This macro is not fully implemented for machines which have push instructions (i.e., on which `PUSH_ROUNDING' is defined). `RETURN_POPS_ARGS (FUNTYPE)' A C expression that should be 1 if a function pops its own arguments on returning, or 0 if the function pops no arguments and the caller must therefore pop them all after the function returns. FUNTYPE is a C variable whose value is a tree node that describes the function in question. Normally it is a node of type `FUNCTION_TYPE' that describes the data type of the function. From this it is possible to obtain the data types of the value and arguments (if known). When a call to a library function is being considered, FUNTYPE will contain an identifier node for the library function. Thus, if you need to distinguish among various library functions, you can do so by their names. Note that ``library function'' in this context means a function used to perform arithmetic, whose name is known specially in the compiler and was not mentioned in the C code being compiled. On the Vax, all functions always pop their arguments, so the definition of this macro is 1. On the 68000, using the standard calling convention, no functions pop their arguments, so the value of the macro is always 0 in this case. But an alternative calling convention is available in which functions that take a fixed number of arguments pop them but other functions (such as `printf') pop nothing (the caller pops all). When this convention is in use, FUNTYPE is examined to determine whether a function takes a fixed number of arguments. `FUNCTION_VALUE (VALTYPE, FUNC)' A C expression to create an RTX representing the place where a function returns a value of data type VALTYPE. VALTYPE is a tree node representing a data type. Write `TYPE_MODE (VALTYPE)' to get the machine mode used to represent that type. On many machines, only the mode is relevant. (Actually, on most machines, scalar values are returned in the same place regardless of mode). If the precise function being called is known, FUNC is a tree node (`FUNCTION_DECL') for it; otherwise, FUNC is a null pointer. This makes it possible to use a different value-returning convention for specific functions when all their calls are known. `FUNCTION_OUTGOING_VALUE (VALTYPE, FUNC)' Define this macro if the target machine has ``register windows'' so that the register in which a function returns its value is not the same as the one in which the caller sees the value. For such machines, `FUNCTION_VALUE' computes the register in which the caller will see the value, and `FUNCTION_OUTGOING_VALUE' should be defined in a similar fashion to tell the function where to put the value. If `FUNCTION_OUTGOING_VALUE' is not defined, `FUNCTION_VALUE' serves both purposes. `RETURN_IN_MEMORY (TYPE)' A C expression which can inhibit the returning of certain function values in registers, based on the type of value. A nonzero value says to return the function value in memory, just as large structures are always returned. Here TYPE will be a C expression of type `tree', representing the data type of the value. Note that values of mode `BLKmode' are returned in memory regardless of this macro. Also, the option `-fpcc-struct-return' takes effect regardless of this macro. On most systems, it is possible to leave the macro undefined; this causes a default definition to be used, whose value is the constant 0. `LIBCALL_VALUE (MODE)' A C expression to create an RTX representing the place where a library function returns a value of mode MODE. If the precise function being called is known, FUNC is a tree node (`FUNCTION_DECL') for it; otherwise, FUNC is a null pointer. This makes it possible to use a different value-returning convention for specific functions when all their calls are known. Note that ``library function'' in this context means a compiler support routine, used to perform arithmetic, whose name is known specially by the compiler and was not mentioned in the C code being compiled. `FUNCTION_VALUE_REGNO_P (REGNO)' A C expression that is nonzero if REGNO is the number of a hard register in which the values of called function may come back. A register whose use for returning values is limited to serving as the second of a pair (for a value of type `double', say) need not be recognized by this macro. So for most machines, this definition suffices: #define FUNCTION_VALUE_REGNO_P(N) ((N) == 0) If the machine has register windows, so that the caller and the called function use different registers for the return value, this macro should recognize only the caller's register numbers. `FUNCTION_ARG (CUM, MODE, TYPE, NAMED)' A C expression that controls whether a function argument is passed in a register, and which register. The arguments are CUM, which summarizes all the previous arguments; MODE, the machine mode of the argument; TYPE, the data type of the argument as a tree node or 0 if that is not known (which happens for C support library functions); and NAMED, which is 1 for an ordinary argument and 0 for nameless arguments that correspond to `...' in the called function's prototype. The value of the expression should either be a `reg' RTX for the hard register in which to pass the argument, or zero to pass the argument on the stack. For the Vax and 68000, where normally all arguments are pushed, zero suffices as a definition. The usual way to make the ANSI library `stdarg.h' work on a machine where some arguments are usually passed in registers, is to cause nameless arguments to be passed on the stack instead. This is done by making `FUNCTION_ARG' return 0 whenever NAMED is 0. `FUNCTION_INCOMING_ARG (CUM, MODE, TYPE, NAMED)' Define this macro if the target machine has ``register windows'', so that the register in which a function sees an arguments is not necessarily the same as the one in which the caller passed the argument. For such machines, `FUNCTION_ARG' computes the register in which the caller passes the value, and `FUNCTION_INCOMING_ARG' should be defined in a similar fashion to tell the function being called where the arguments will arrive. If `FUNCTION_INCOMING_ARG' is not defined, `FUNCTION_ARG' serves both purposes. `FUNCTION_ARG_PARTIAL_NREGS (CUM, MODE, TYPE, NAMED)' A C expression for the number of words, at the beginning of an argument, must be put in registers. The value must be zero for arguments that are passed entirely in registers or that are entirely pushed on the stack. On some machines, certain arguments must be passed partially in registers and partially in memory. On these machines, typically the first N words of arguments are passed in registers, and the rest on the stack. If a multi-word argument (a `double' or a structure) crosses that boundary, its first few words must be passed in registers and the rest must be pushed. This macro tells the compiler when this occurs, and how many of the words should go in registers. `FUNCTION_ARG' for these arguments should return the first register to be used by the caller for this argument; likewise `FUNCTION_INCOMING_ARG', for the called function. `CUMULATIVE_ARGS' A C type for declaring a variable that is used as the first argument of `FUNCTION_ARG' and other related values. For some target machines, the type `int' suffices and can hold the number of bytes of argument so far. `INIT_CUMULATIVE_ARGS (CUM, FNTYPE)' A C statement (sans semicolon) for initializing the variable CUM for the state at the beginning of the argument list. The variable has type `CUMULATIVE_ARGS'. The value of FNTYPE is the tree node for the data type of the function which will receive the args, or 0 if the args are to a compiler support library function. `FUNCTION_ARG_ADVANCE (CUM, MODE, TYPE, NAMED)' A C statement (sans semicolon) to update the summarizer variable CUM to advance past an argument in the argument list. The values MODE, TYPE and NAMED describe that argument. Once this is done, the variable CUM is suitable for analyzing the *following* argument with `FUNCTION_ARG', etc. `FUNCTION_ARG_REGNO_P (REGNO)' A C expression that is nonzero if REGNO is the number of a hard register in which function arguments are sometimes passed. This does *not* include implicit arguments such as the static chain and the structure-value address. On many machines, no registers can be used for this purpose since all function arguments are pushed on the stack. `FUNCTION_ARG_PADDING (MODE, SIZE)' If defined, a C expression which determines whether, and in which direction, to pad out an argument with extra space. The value should be of type `enum direction': either `upward' to pad above the argument, `downward' to pad below, or `none' to inhibit padding. The argument SIZE is an RTX which describes the size of the argument, in bytes. It should be used only if MODE is `BLKmode'. Otherwise, SIZE is 0. This macro does not control the *amount* of padding; that is always just enough to reach the next multiple of `PARM_BOUNDARY'. This macro has a default definition which is right for most systems. For little-endian machines, the default is to pad upward. For big-endian machines, the default is to pad downward for an argument of constant size shorter than an `int', and upward otherwise. `FUNCTION_PROLOGUE (FILE, SIZE)' A C compound statement that outputs the assembler code for entry to a function. The prologue is responsible for setting up the stack frame, initializing the frame pointer register, saving registers that must be saved, and allocating SIZE additional bytes of storage for the local variables. SIZE is an integer. FILE is a stdio stream to which the assembler code should be output. The label for the beginning of the function need not be output by this macro. That has already been done when the macro is run. To determine which registers to save, the macro can refer to the array `regs_ever_live': element R is nonzero if hard register R is used anywhere within the function. This implies the function prologue should save register R, but not if it is one of the call-used registers. On machines where functions may or may not have frame-pointers, the function entry code must vary accordingly; it must set up the frame pointer if one is wanted, and not otherwise. To determine whether a frame pointer is in wanted, the macro can refer to the variable `frame_pointer_needed'. The variable's value will be 1 at run time in a function that needs a frame pointer. On machines where arguments may be passed in registers, and not have stack space allocated, this macro must examine the variable `current_function_pretend_args_size', and allocate that many bytes of uninitialized space on the stack just underneath the first argument arriving on the stack. (This may not be at the very end of the stack, if the calling sequence has pushed anything else since pushing the stack arguments. But usually, on such machines, nothing else has been pushed yet, because the function prologue itself does all the pushing.) This ``pretend argument'' space is allocated in functions that use the ANSI library `stdarg.h' to accept anonymous arguments of unspecified types; the last named argument is copied into the space, so that the anonymous arguments follow it consecutively. `FUNCTION_PROFILER (FILE, LABELNO)' A C statement or compound statement to output to FILE some assembler code to call the profiling subroutine `mcount'. Before calling, the assembler code must load the address of a counter variable into a register where `mcount' expects to find the address. The name of this variable is `LP' followed by the number LABELNO, so you would generate the name using `LP%d' in a `fprintf'. The details of how the address should be passed to `mcount' are determined by your operating system environment, not by GNU CC. To figure them out, compile a small program for profiling using the system's installed C compiler and look at the assembler code that results. `FUNCTION_BLOCK_PROFILER (FILE, LABELNO)' A C statement or compound statement to output to FILE some assembler code to initialize basic-block profiling for the current object module. This code should call the subroutine `__bb_init_func' once per object module, passing it as its sole argument the address of a block allocated in the object module. The name of the block is a local symbol made with this statement: ASM_GENERATE_INTERNAL_LABEL (BUFFER, "LPBX", 0); Of course, since you are writing the definition of `ASM_GENERATE_INTERNAL_LABEL' as well as that of this macro, you can take a short cut in the definition of this macro and use the name that you know will result. The first word of this block is a flag which will be nonzero if the object module has already been initialized. So test this word first, and do not call `__bb_init_func' if the flag is nonzero. `BLOCK_PROFILER (FILE, BLOCKNO)' A C statement or compound statement to increment the count associated with the basic block number BLOCKNO. Basic blocks are numbered separately from zero within each compilation. The count associated with block number BLOCKNO is at index BLOCKNO in a vector of words; the name of this array is a local symbol made with this statement: ASM_GENERATE_INTERNAL_LABEL (BUFFER, "LPBX", 2); Of course, since you are writing the definition of `ASM_GENERATE_INTERNAL_LABEL' as well as that of this macro, you can take a short cut in the definition of this macro and use the name that you know will result. `EXIT_IGNORES_STACK' Define this macro as a C expression that is nonzero if the return instruction or the function epilogue ignores the value of the stack pointer; in other words, if it is safe to delete an instruction to adjust the stack pointer before a return from the function. Note that this macro's value is relevant only for functions for which frame pointers are maintained. It is never safe to delete a final stack adjustment in a function that has no frame pointer, and the compiler knows this regardless of `EXIT_IGNORES_STACK'. `FUNCTION_EPILOGUE (FILE, SIZE)' A C compound statement that outputs the assembler code for exit from a function. The epilogue is responsible for restoring the saved registers and stack pointer to their values when the function was called, and returning control to the caller. This macro takes the same arguments as the macro `FUNCTION_PROLOGUE', and the registers to restore are determined from `regs_ever_live' and `CALL_USED_REGISTERS' in the same way. On some machines, there is a single instruction that does all the work of returning from the function. On these machines, give that instruction the name `return' and do not define the macro `FUNCTION_EPILOGUE' at all. Do not define a pattern named `return' if you want the `FUNCTION_EPILOGUE' to be used. If you want the target switches to control whether return instructions or epilogues are used, define a `return' pattern with a validity condition that tests the target switches appropriately. If the `return' pattern's validity condition is false, epilogues will be used. On machines where functions may or may not have frame-pointers, the function exit code must vary accordingly. Sometimes the code for these two cases is completely different. To determine whether a frame pointer is in wanted, the macro can refer to the variable `frame_pointer_needed'. The variable's value will be 1 at run time in a function that needs a frame pointer. On some machines, some functions pop their arguments on exit while others leave that for the caller to do. For example, the 68020 when given `-mrtd' pops arguments in functions that take a fixed number of arguments. Your definition of the macro `RETURN_POPS_ARGS' decides which functions pop their own arguments. `FUNCTION_EPILOGUE' needs to know what was decided. The variable `current_function_pops_args' is nonzero if the function should pop its own arguments. If so, use the variable `current_function_args_size' as the number of bytes to pop. `FIX_FRAME_POINTER_ADDRESS (ADDR, DEPTH)' A C compound statement to alter a memory address that uses the frame pointer register so that it uses the stack pointer register instead. This must be done in the instructions that load parameter values into registers, when the reload pass determines that a frame pointer is not necessary for the function. ADDR will be a C variable name, and the updated address should be stored in that variable. DEPTH will be the current depth of stack temporaries (number of bytes of arguments currently pushed). The change in offset between a frame-pointer-relative address and a stack-pointer-relative address must include DEPTH. Even if your machine description specifies there will always be a frame pointer in the frame pointer register, you must still define `FIX_FRAME_POINTER_ADDRESS', but the definition will never be executed at run time, so it may be empty. `LONGJMP_RESTORE_FROM_STACK' Define this macro if the `longjmp' function restores registers from the stack frames, rather than from those saved specifically by `setjmp'. Certain quantities must not be kept in registers across a call to `setjmp' on such machines.  File:, Node: Library Names, Next: Addressing Modes, Prev: Stack Layout, Up: Machine Macros Library Subroutine Names ======================== `MULSI3_LIBCALL' A C string constant giving the name of the function to call for multiplication of one signed full-word by another. If you do not define this macro, the default name is used, which is `__mulsi3', a function defined in `gnulib'. `UMULSI3_LIBCALL' A C string constant giving the name of the function to call for multiplication of one unsigned full-word by another. If you do not define this macro, the default name is used, which is `__umulsi3', a function defined in `gnulib'. `DIVSI3_LIBCALL' A C string constant giving the name of the function to call for division of one signed full-word by another. If you do not define this macro, the default name is used, which is `__divsi3', a function defined in `gnulib'. `UDIVSI3_LIBCALL' A C string constant giving the name of the function to call for division of one unsigned full-word by another. If you do not define this macro, the default name is used, which is `__udivsi3', a function defined in `gnulib'. `MODSI3_LIBCALL' A C string constant giving the name of the function to call for the remainder in division of one signed full-word by another. If you do not define this macro, the default name is used, which is `__modsi3', a function defined in `gnulib'. `UMODSI3_LIBCALL' A C string constant giving the name of the function to call for the remainder in division of one unsigned full-word by another. If you do not define this macro, the default name is used, which is `__umodsi3', a function defined in `gnulib'. `TARGET_MEM_FUNCTIONS' Define this macro if GNU CC should generate calls to the System V (and ANSI C) library functions `memcpy' and `memset' rather than the BSD functions `bcopy' and `bzero'.  File:, Node: Addressing Modes, Next: Delayed Branch, Prev: Library Names, Up: Machine Macros Addressing Modes ================ `HAVE_POST_INCREMENT' Define this macro if the machine supports post-increment addressing. `HAVE_PRE_INCREMENT' `HAVE_POST_DECREMENT' `HAVE_PRE_DECREMENT' Similar for other kinds of addressing. `CONSTANT_ADDRESS_P (X)' A C expression that is 1 if the RTX X is a constant whose value is an integer. This includes integers whose values are not explicitly known, such as `symbol_ref' and `label_ref' expressions and `const' arithmetic expressions. On most machines, this can be defined as `CONSTANT_P (X)', but a few machines are more restrictive in which constant addresses are supported. `MAX_REGS_PER_ADDRESS' A number, the maximum number of registers that can appear in a valid memory address. `GO_IF_LEGITIMATE_ADDRESS (MODE, X, LABEL)' A C compound statement with a conditional `goto LABEL;' executed if X (an RTX) is a legitimate memory address on the target machine for a memory operand of mode MODE. It usually pays to define several simpler macros to serve as subroutines for this one. Otherwise it may be too complicated to understand. This macro must exist in two variants: a strict variant and a non-strict one. The strict variant is used in the reload pass. It must be defined so that any pseudo-register that has not been allocated a hard register is considered a memory reference. In contexts where some kind of register is required, a pseudo-register with no hard register must be rejected. The non-strict variant is used in other passes. It must be defined to accept all pseudo-registers in every context where some kind of register is required. Compiler source files that want to use the strict variant of this macro define the macro `REG_OK_STRICT'. You should use an `#ifdef REG_OK_STRICT' conditional to define the strict variant in that case and the non-strict variant otherwise. Typically among the subroutines used to define `GO_IF_LEGITIMATE_ADDRESS' are subroutines to check for acceptable registers for various purposes (one for base registers, one for index registers, and so on). Then only these subroutine macros need have two variants; the higher levels of macros may be the same whether strict or not. Normally, constant addresses which are the sum of a `symbol_ref' and an integer are stored inside a `const' RTX to mark them as constant. Therefore, there is no need to recognize such sums as legitimate addresses. Usually `PRINT_OPERAND_ADDRESS' is not prepared to handle constant sums that are not marked with `const'. It assumes that a naked `plus' indicates indexing. If so, then you *must* reject such naked constant sums as illegitimate addresses, so that none of them will be given to `PRINT_OPERAND_ADDRESS'. `REG_OK_FOR_BASE_P (X)' A C expression that is nonzero if X (assumed to be a `reg' RTX) is valid for use as a base register. For hard registers, it should always accept those which the hardware permits and reject the others. Whether the macro accepts or rejects pseudo registers must be controlled by `REG_OK_STRICT' as described above. This usually requires two variant definitions, of which `REG_OK_STRICT' controls the one actually used. `REG_OK_FOR_INDEX_P (X)' A C expression that is nonzero if X (assumed to be a `reg' RTX) is valid for use as an index register. The difference between an index register and a base register is that the index register may be scaled. If an address involves the sum of two registers, neither one of them scaled, then either one may be labeled the ``base'' and the other the ``index''; but whichever labeling is used must fit the machine's constraints of which registers may serve in each capacity. The compiler will try both labelings, looking for one that is valid, and will reload one or both registers only if neither labeling works. `LEGITIMIZE_ADDRESS (X, OLDX, MODE, WIN)' A C compound statement that attempts to replace X with a valid memory address for an operand of mode MODE. WIN will be a C statement label elsewhere in the code; the macro definition may use GO_IF_LEGITIMATE_ADDRESS (MODE, X, WIN); to avoid further processing if the address has become legitimate. X will always be the result of a call to `break_out_memory_refs', and OLDX will be the operand that was given to that function to produce X. The code generated by this macro should not alter the substructure of X. If it transforms X into a more legitimate form, it should assign X (which will always be a C variable) a new value. It is not necessary for this macro to come up with a legitimate address. The compiler has standard ways of doing so in all cases. In fact, it is safe for this macro to do nothing. But often a machine-dependent strategy can generate better code. `GO_IF_MODE_DEPENDENT_ADDRESS (ADDR, LABEL)' A C statement or compound statement with a conditional `goto LABEL;' executed if memory address X (an RTX) can have different meanings depending on the machine mode of the memory reference it is used for. Autoincrement and autodecrement addresses typically have mode-dependent effects because the amount of the increment or decrement is the size of the operand being addressed. Some machines have other mode-dependent addresses. Many RISC machines have no mode-dependent addresses. You may assume that ADDR is a valid address for the machine. `LEGITIMATE_CONSTANT_P (X)' A C expression that is nonzero if X is a legitimate constant for an immediate operand on the target machine. You can assume that either X is a `const_double' or it satisfies `CONSTANT_P', so you need not check these things. In fact, `1' is a suitable definition for this macro on machines where any `const_double' is valid and anything `CONSTANT_P' is valid.  File:, Node: Delayed Branch, Next: Condition Code, Prev: Addressing Modes, Up: Machine Macros Parameters for Delayed Branch Optimization ========================================== `HAVE_DELAYED_BRANCH' Define this macro if the target machine has delayed branches, that is, a branch does not take effect immediately, and the actual branch instruction may be followed by one or more instructions that will be issued before the PC is actually changed. If defined, this allows a special scheduling pass to be run after the second jump optimization to attempt to reorder instructions to exploit this. Defining this macro also requires the definition of certain other macros described below. `DBR_SLOTS_AFTER (INSN)' This macro must be defined if `HAVE_DELAYED_BRANCH' is defined. Its definition should be a C expression returning the number of available delay slots following the instruction(s) output by the pattern for INSN. The definition of ``slot'' is machine-dependent, and may denote instructions, bytes, or whatever. `DBR_INSN_SLOTS (INSN)' This macro must be defined if `HAVE_DELAYED_BRANCH' is defined. It should be a C expression returning the number of slots (typically the number of machine instructions) consumed by INSN. You may assume that INSN is truly an insn, not a note, label, barrier, dispatch table, `use', or `clobber'. `DBR_INSN_ELIGIBLE_P (INSN, DINSN)' A C expression whose value is non-zero if it is legitimate to put INSN in the delay slot following DINSN. You do not need to take account of data flow considerations in the definition of this macro, because the delayed branch optimizer always does that. This macro is needed only when certain insns may not be placed in certain delay slots for reasons not evident from the RTL expressions themselves. If there are no such problems, you don't need to define this macro. You may assume that INSN is truly an insn, not a note, label, barrier, dispatch table, `use', or `clobber'. You may assume that DINSN is a jump insn with a delay slot. `DBR_OUTPUT_SEQEND(FILE)' A C statement, to be executed after all slot-filler instructions have been output. If necessary, call `dbr_sequence_length' to determine the number of slots filled in a sequence (zero if not currently outputting a sequence), to decide how many no-ops to output, or whatever. Don't define this macro if it has nothing to do, but it is helpful in reading assembly output if the extent of the delay sequence is made explicit (e.g. with white space). Note that output routines for instructions with delay slots must be prepared to deal with not being output as part of a sequence (i.e. when the scheduling pass is not run, or when no slot fillers could be found.) The variable `final_sequence' is null when not processing a sequence, otherwise it contains the `sequence' rtx being output.  File:, Node: Condition Code, Next: Cross-compilation, Prev: Delayed Branch, Up: Machine Macros Condition Code Information ========================== The file `conditions.h' defines a variable `cc_status' to describe how the condition code was computed (in case the interpretation of the condition code depends on the instruction that it was set by). This variable contains the RTL expressions on which the condition code is currently based, and several standard flags. Sometimes additional machine-specific flags must be defined in the machine description header file. It can also add additional machine-specific information by defining `CC_STATUS_MDEP'. `CC_STATUS_MDEP' C code for a data type which is used for declaring the `mdep' component of `cc_status'. It defaults to `int'. `CC_STATUS_MDEP_INIT' A C expression to initialize the `mdep' field to ``empty''. The default definition does nothing, since most machines don't use the field anyway. If you want to use the field, you should probably define this macro to initialize it. `NOTICE_UPDATE_CC (EXP, INSN)' A C compound statement to set the components of `cc_status' appropriately for an insn INSN whose body is EXP. It is this macro's responsibility to recognize insns that set the condition code as a byproduct of other activity as well as those that explicitly set `(cc0)'. If there are insn that do not set the condition code but do alter other machine registers, this macro must check to see whether they invalidate the expressions that the condition code is recorded as reflecting. For example, on the 68000, insns that store in address registers do not set the condition code, which means that usually `NOTICE_UPDATE_CC' can leave `cc_status' unaltered for such insns. But suppose that the previous insn set the condition code based on location `a4@(102)' and the current insn stores a new value in `a4'. Although the condition code is not changed by this, it will no longer be true that it reflects the contents of `a4@(102)'. Therefore, `NOTICE_UPDATE_CC' must alter `cc_status' in this case to say that nothing is known about the condition code value. The definition of `NOTICE_UPDATE_CC' must be prepared to deal with the results of peephole optimization: insns whose patterns are `parallel' RTXs containing various `reg', `mem' or constants which are just the operands. The RTL structure of these insns is not sufficient to indicate what the insns actually do. What `NOTICE_UPDATE_CC' should do when it sees one is just to run `CC_STATUS_INIT'.  File:, Node: Cross-compilation, Next: Misc, Prev: Condition Code, Up: Machine Macros Cross Compilation and Floating-Point Format =========================================== While all modern machines use 2's complement representation for integers, there are a variety of representations for floating point numbers. This means that in a cross-compiler the representation of floating point numbers in the compiled program may be different from that used in the machine doing the compilation. Because different representation systems may offer different amounts of range and precision, the cross compiler cannot safely use the host machine's floating point arithmetic. Therefore, floating point constants must be represented in the target machine's format. This means that the cross compiler cannot use `atof' to parse a floating point constant; it must have its own special routine to use instead. Also, constant folding must emulate the target machine's arithmetic (or must not be done at all). The macros in the following table should be defined only if you are cross compiling between different floating point formats. Otherwise, don't define them. Then default definitions will be set up which use `double' as the data type, `==' to test for equality, etc. You don't need to worry about how many times you use an operand of any of these macros. The compiler never uses operands which have side effects. `REAL_VALUE_TYPE' A macro for the C data type to be used to hold a floating point value in the target machine's format. Typically this would be a `struct' containing an array of `int'. `REAL_VALUES_EQUAL (X, Y)' A macro for a C expression which compares for equality the two values, X and Y, both of type `REAL_VALUE_TYPE'. `REAL_VALUES_LESS (X, Y)' A macro for a C expression which tests whether X is less than Y, both values being of type `REAL_VALUE_TYPE' and interpreted as floating point numbers in the target machine's representation. `REAL_VALUE_LDEXP (X, SCALE)' A macro for a C expression which performs the standard library function `ldexp', but using the target machine's floating point representation. Both X and the value of the expression have type `REAL_VALUE_TYPE'. The second argument, SCALE, is an integer. `REAL_VALUE_ATOF (STRING)' A macro for a C expression which converts STRING, an expression of type `char *', into a floating point number in the target machine's representation. The value has type `REAL_VALUE_TYPE'. Define the following additional macros if you want to make floating point constant folding work while cross compiling. If you don't define them, cross compilation is still possible, but constant folding will not happen for floating point values. `REAL_ARITHMETIC (OUTPUT, CODE, X, Y)' A macro for a C statement which calculates an arithmetic operation of the two floating point values X and Y, both of type `REAL_VALUE_TYPE' in the target machine's representation, to produce a result of the same type and representation which is stored in OUTPUT (which will be a variable). The operation to be performed is specified by CODE, a tree code which will always be one of the following: `PLUS_EXPR', `MINUS_EXPR', `MULT_EXPR', `RDIV_EXPR', `MAX_EXPR', `MIN_EXPR'. The expansion of this macro is responsible for checking for overflow. If overflow happens, the macro expansion should execute the statement `return 0;', which indicates the inability to perform the arithmetic operation requested. `REAL_VALUE_NEGATE (X)' A macro for a C expression which returns the negative of the floating point value X. Both X and the value of the expression have type `REAL_VALUE_TYPE' and are in the target machine's floating point representation. There is no way for this macro to report overflow, since overflow can't happen in the negation operation. `REAL_VALUE_TO_INT (LOW, HIGH, X)' A macro for a C expression which converts a floating point value X into a double-precision integer which is then stored into LOW and HIGH, two variables of type INT. `REAL_VALUE_FROM_INT (X, LOW, HIGH)' A macro for a C expression which converts a double-precision integer found in LOW and HIGH, two variables of type INT, into a floating point value which is then stored into X.  File:, Node: Misc, Next: Assembler Format, Prev: Cross-compilation, Up: Machine Macros Miscellaneous Parameters ======================== `CASE_VECTOR_MODE' An alias for a machine mode name. This is the machine mode that elements of a jump-table should have. `CASE_VECTOR_PC_RELATIVE' Define this macro if jump-tables should contain relative addresses. `CASE_DROPS_THROUGH' Define this if control falls through a `case' insn when the index value is out of range. This means the specified default-label is actually ignored by the `case' insn proper. `IMPLICIT_FIX_EXPR' An alias for a tree code that should be used by default for conversion of floating point values to fixed point. Normally, `FIX_ROUND_EXPR' is used. `FIXUNS_TRUNC_LIKE_FIX_TRUNC' Define this macro if the same instructions that convert a floating point number to a signed fixed point number also convert validly to an unsigned one. `EASY_DIV_EXPR' An alias for a tree code that is the easiest kind of division to compile code for in the general case. It may be `TRUNC_DIV_EXPR', `FLOOR_DIV_EXPR', `CEIL_DIV_EXPR' or `ROUND_DIV_EXPR'. These four division operators differ in how they round the result to an integer. `EASY_DIV_EXPR' is used when it is permissible to use any of those kinds of division and the choice should be made on the basis of efficiency. `DEFAULT_SIGNED_CHAR' An expression whose value is 1 or 0, according to whether the type `char' should be signed or unsigned by default. The user can always override this default with the options `-fsigned-char' and `-funsigned-char'. `SCCS_DIRECTIVE' Define this if the preprocessor should ignore `#sccs' directives and print no error message. `HAVE_VPRINTF' Define this if the library function `vprintf' is available on your system. `MOVE_MAX' The maximum number of bytes that a single instruction can move quickly from memory to memory. `INT_TYPE_SIZE' A C expression for the size in bits of the type `int' on the target machine. If you don't define this, the default is one word. `SHORT_TYPE_SIZE' A C expression for the size in bits of the type `short' on the target machine. If you don't define this, the default is half a word. (If this would be less than one storage unit, it is rounded up to one unit.) `LONG_TYPE_SIZE' A C expression for the size in bits of the type `long' on the target machine. If you don't define this, the default is one word. `LONG_LONG_TYPE_SIZE' A C expression for the size in bits of the type `long long' on the target machine. If you don't define this, the default is two words. `CHAR_TYPE_SIZE' A C expression for the size in bits of the type `char' on the target machine. If you don't define this, the default is one quarter of a word. (If this would be less than one storage unit, it is rounded up to one unit.) `FLOAT_TYPE_SIZE' A C expression for the size in bits of the type `float' on the target machine. If you don't define this, the default is one word. `DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE' A C expression for the size in bits of the type `double' on the target machine. If you don't define this, the default is two words. `LONG_DOUBLE_TYPE_SIZE' A C expression for the size in bits of the type `long double' on the target machine. If you don't define this, the default is two words. `SLOW_BYTE_ACCESS' Define this macro as a C expression which is nonzero if accessing less than a word of memory (i.e. a `char' or a `short') is slow (requires more than one instruction). `SLOW_ZERO_EXTEND' Define this macro if zero-extension (of a `char' or `short' to an `int') can be done faster if the destination is a register that is known to be zero. If you define this macro, you must have instruction patterns that recognize RTL structures like this: (set (strict-low-part (subreg:QI (reg:SI ...) 0)) ...) and likewise for `HImode'. `SHIFT_COUNT_TRUNCATED' Define this macro if shift instructions ignore all but the lowest few bits of the shift count. It implies that a sign-extend or zero-extend instruction for the shift count can be omitted. `TRULY_NOOP_TRUNCATION (OUTPREC, INPREC)' A C expression which is nonzero if on this machine it is safe to ``convert'' an integer of INPREC bits to one of OUTPREC bits (where OUTPREC is smaller than INPREC) by merely operating on it as if it had only OUTPREC bits. On many machines, this expression can be 1. `NO_FUNCTION_CSE' Define this macro if it is as good or better to call a constant function address than to call an address kept in a register. `PROMOTE_PROTOTYPES' Define this macro if an argument declared as `char' or `short' in a prototype should actually be passed as an `int'. In addition to avoiding errors in certain cases of mismatch, it also makes for better code on certain machines. `STORE_FLAG_VALUE' A C expression for the value stored by a store-flag instruction (`sCOND') when the condition is true. This is usually 1 or -1; it is required to be an odd number or a negative number. Do not define `STORE_FLAG_VALUE' if the machine has no store-flag instructions. `Pmode' An alias for the machine mode for pointers. Normally the definition can be #define Pmode SImode `FUNCTION_MODE' An alias for the machine mode used for memory references to functions being called, in `call' RTL expressions. On most machines this should be `QImode'. `INSN_MACHINE_INFO' This macro should expand into a C structure type to use for the machine-dependent info field specified with the optional last argument in `define_insn' and `define_peephole' patterns. For example, it might expand into `struct machine_info'; then it would be up to you to define this structure in the `tm.h' file. You do not need to define this macro if you do not write the optional last argument in any of the patterns in the machine description. `DEFAULT_MACHINE_INFO' This macro should expand into a C initializer to use to initialize the machine-dependent info for one insn pattern. It is used for patterns that do not specify the machine-dependent info. If you do not define this macro, zero is used. `CONST_COSTS (X, CODE)' A part of a C `switch' statement that describes the relative costs of constant RTL expressions. It must contain `case' labels for expression codes `const_int', `const', `symbol_ref', `label_ref' and `const_double'. Each case must ultimately reach a `return' statement to return the relative cost of the use of that kind of constant value in an expression. The cost may depend on the precise value of the constant, which is available for examination in X. CODE is the expression code--redundant, since it can be obtained with `GET_CODE (X)'. `DOLLARS_IN_IDENTIFIERS' Define this to be nonzero if the character `$' should be allowed by default in identifier names. `USE_C_ALLOCA' Define this macro to indicate that the compiler is running with the `alloca' implemented in C. This version of `alloca' can be found in the file `alloca.c'; to use it, you must also alter the `Makefile' variable `ALLOCA'. This macro, unlike most, describes the machine that the compiler is running on, rather than the one the compiler is compiling for. Therefore, it should be set in the `xm-MACHINE.h' file rather than in the `tm-MACHINE.h' file. If you do define this macro, you should probably do it as follows: #ifndef __GNUC__ #define USE_C_ALLOCA #else #define alloca __builtin_alloca #endif so that when the compiler is compiled with GNU CC it uses the more efficient built-in `alloca' function.