$Id: FEATURES,v 4.2 1993/03/23 16:48:10 mike Exp $

+ A number of arguments to init are recognised over and above run levels
  or run level names.

    The word "auto" indicates that the system is booting automatically
  (and probably unattended). This is passed by LILO 0.9 when the default
  image is booted automatically. "auto" may no longer be used as a run
  level name. Autobooting may also be forced by specifying -a on the boot
  command line.

    The -s option causes init to bring the system up in single user mode.
  This is a compatibility option.

    The -f option causes init to set the FASTBOOT environment variable.
  The boot scripts do not check filesystems during the boot if this
  variable is set regardless of what you said when the system was shut
  down. Use this with *extreme* caution after a crash if you must use
  it at all!

---> Id: FEATURES,v 3.1 1993/03/23 16:16:47 Exp

+ Differentiates between a user boot and an auto boot (where LILO times
  out waiting for the user) and uses this to decide whether fscks should
  be interactive or automatic. (This requires a patch to lilo 8 or earlier.
  The patch for lilo 8 doesn't yet exist. The patch for lilo 7 does.
  Hopefully lilo 9 will not need a patch :-) ).

+ Allows arguments to be passed on the command line given to LILO. This
  allows the user to select the initial run level at boot time overriding
  the initdefault entry in /etc/inittab.

+ Allows names to be given to run levels. The mapping of name to run level
  is handled by a table in /etc/inittab. Names may be used as arguments to
  telinit or as arguments to init itself on the LILO command line.

---> Id: FEATURES,v 1.1 1992/12/17 15:35:07 mike Exp

+ Catches ctrl-alt-del and shuts the system down cleanly.

+ Never allows defunct processes to pile up.

+ Provides a complete SYSV style boot environment complete with filesystem
  checks, multiple run levels, daemon startup etc.

+ Easy configuration changes using human understandable files in /etc/default

+ Easy start and stop of system services such as TCP/IP, NFS, cron, news
  daemons etc. using scripts in /etc/init.d

+ Provides xdm support.

+ Extended run level types. You can use 0-9 for run levels and any other
  symbol for an on demand state (except q which has the standard SYSV
  meaning of reread the inittab).

+ Uses a state machine to drive everything. Avoids wasting time. Respawns
  processes quickly and efficiently. Waits for specific processes are
  asynchronous - there are other things to be done even though we are

+ The function of update (i.e. periodic syncing) is integrated into init
  and can be configured to sync at different frequencies at different
  run levels if desired. 

+ Full logging to utmp and wtmp.

+ Uses syslog if available.

+ Small and lean - but not mean!