Re: FW: Font-family specification

Scott E. Preece (
Fri, 26 Jan 1996 14:11:38 -0600

From: "Chris Wilson (PSD)" <>
| Chris Lilley wrote:
| >I would also like to see spaces allowed in font names. This could be
| >done by choosing some character as a separator (such as the comma Chris
| >suggests) <...> or alternatively by quoting
| Several other people have suggested quoting; I agree quoting should be
| allowed (that is, in the spec and supported), but I think a non-whitespace
| separator should be used anyway, for the following reason.

My own inclination would be to require quotes for any names that include whitespace. I guess I wouldn't be adamant, though, because this list is disjunctive rather than conjunctive, making it at least a little like the list of selectors, as opposed to a set of values. So, I wouldn't object to comma separation, but I would like the standard to use only quoted strings in examples. I do think allowing unquoted multi-word names is confusing.

b/t/w - I believe the current grammar would not support the suggestion - I think it requires quoting.


scott preece
motorola/mcg urbana design center	1101 e. university, urbana, il   61801
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