Re: Oversize / Dropped Caps and Initials

Brother Baker (
Tue, 11 Jul 1995 10:19:35 -0500 (CDT)


I just wanted to know... are we still saying that the notation should go
from more general to more specific?
Because, if so then, I think that the examples noted >, should be more
like those noted as >>.

> P: big.font.size = 30pt // or better, a relative size
>> P: font.size.big = 30pt

> P: = uppercase
>> P: (-ernate) = uppercase

> P: big.font.size = 30pt; alternate.font.spacing = 140%
>> P: font.size.big = 30pt; font.spacing.alt = 140%

Or did I miss some point in the discussion that changed this?
I have seen you and others use these types of misordered (or not?)
notation, and so I was just wondering. Thanks.

--James Baker /
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