Re: <FIG> implies <P>?

Mike Batchelor (
Thu, 13 Jul 1995 16:15:27 -0400 (EDT)

Michael Johnson once wrote...
> I can think of one good reason why a FIG implies a paragraph break, which
> has to do with HTML semantics, and that is this:
> <FIG> can contain tags which implicitly end any current paragraph. Therefore,

Thanks Michael (and Chris T, Chris L, Andrew M, etc.) for explaining this.

> The style for P.before.figure could suppress the trailing line break and the
> style for P.after.figure could suppress the leading line break and top margin.
> This would give something like:
> In 1863 Abraham Lincoln delivered an address on the
> battlefield at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. He began
> this address with the +-----------------------+
> now-famous phrase "Four | |
> score and seven years | |
> ago, our forefathers | |
> brought forth on this | |
> continent a new nation" | |
> +-----------------------+
> This would require the browser to remember where it was formatting text before
> it encountered the figure in order to join the lines properly, but that
> shouldn't be hard.

This is exactly the sort of effect I am looking for. Now that I
understand why a <fig> breaks a paragraph, I'd support a style sheet
mechanism for lining a <fig> up with the paragraphs around it.

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