Embedded multipart/x-mixed-replace;

Matthew J Gering (gering@u.washington.edu)
Mon, 19 Jun 1995 14:28:11 -0900 (PDT)

How do I make a dynamic area within a static document?

I've tried using multipart/mixed, but Netscape doesn't recognize that
MIME type.

What I want is a Server Push within a static document. I know how to do
this with <IMG SRC...>, but I want to do this with text/html. If I reload
the whole page with multipart/x-mixed-replace as the primary document type
it causes the whole screen to flash because Netscape clears the screen
and reloads every push (which is every couple milliseconds, so it is
quite annoying).

Multipart/mixed seems the most logical method, with the x-mixed-replace
document placed in between text/html, but as I said, Netscape
(Mozilla/1.1N) doesn't recognize that type.

Any other method? Ideas?

