Saving inlined images

Cecilia Farell (
Sat, 14 Jan 1995 22:55:02 +0100

I know this question has been fielded already, but...

I need to know how, if at all possible, to save an HTML file's inlined
GIFs when saving the file to disk.

I'm using WinMosaic 2.0.8, Netscape for Windows 1.0 and Cello. I also
have access to Lynx through dial-up to my service provider. As far as I
can tell, there is no "save file with inlined images" option in either
WinMosaic or Netscape. There has, I believe, been some talk of this.

Unfortunately, I need a quick answer and I'm in a situation where I have
not done my homework soon enough and have assumed that I know more than
I do.

Any help would be much appreciated.

TIA and regards,


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Web Page Development * WWW and Internet Consulting * Windows Help

Cecilia Farell * Toronto, Canada *
<a href="">Hippermedia</a>