Re: non-alphabet characters

Daniel W. Connolly (
Sun, 09 Oct 1994 22:05:32 -0500

In message <199410092352.QAA24024@rock>, John Labovitz writes:
> (Mark Connolly) said:
>> A colleague who checked my document in the current
>> Windows version of Mosaic found that _&eacute;_ in the document's title
>> didn't display correctly, though it did on my Mac.
>I've noticed this in Lynx, too. I think I once sent
>a message to the Lynx developers about this, and they
>responded with a note saying that <TITLE> wasn't
>supposed to contain &foo; entities. Can this be true?

Well... as of the current HTML 2.0 spec, TITLE can contain entity
markup (e.g. &eacute). You can't blame the lynx guy tho: the HTML
internet draft of July 1993 said title cannot contain &eacute;.
