Re: FYI [ Re: object oriented data models and client side CGI ]

Bill Janssen (
Fri, 17 Jun 1994 19:19:10 PDT

Excerpts from direct: 17-Jun-94 FYI [ Re: .. Larry
Masinter@parc.xero (2188)

> You should also check out WINTERP, if you're into rapid-prototyping
> environments.

It's OK, but now that I've got the ILU interface to Python (in
alpha-test at PARC -- thanks, Denis), and Python Tk (still in a state of
flux, but already useful), and mongo amount of stuff already in Python
(check out for a nice
implementation of general hashing with stable storage, much nicer
properties than the standard dbm module), I don't see much sense in
using anything but Python for prototyping. And final products, for that

> Python is cool. Tcl is quick-and-dirty, but doesn't scale well.
> (the Tk canvas widget sure is neat... too bad we have to build
> products using OSF/Motif's libXm and Tk doesn't interoperate)

Note that the Tk canvas widget was stolen (with attribution) from Joel
Bartlett's ezd, which is even neater (see, which is a
compressed Postscript file). The emerging Python Tk is gradually
eliminating all traces of Tcl -- everything's done in Python.

As a teaser, here's the Python code to find and return a Calendar
Manager object, via ILU, to manipulate the SunOS CM:

# module findCM -- find a calendar manager
pm = {}

def findCM(machine='localhost'):

import PortMapper # ILU interface to Sun portmapper
import CalendarManager # ILU interface to Sun CM

global pm

if not pm.has_key(machine):
# instantiate portmapper object on machine "machine"
pm[machine] = PortMapper.T('0@'+machine+'_PortMapper@sunrpc_100000_2|tcp_'+machine+'_111', None)
cm_spec = {'port': 0, 'prog': 100068, 'vers': 3, 'prot': PortMapper.UDP_Protocol}
# ask the portmapper what port the calendar manager is using
cm_port = pm[machine].GetPort (cm_spec)
if (cm_port == 0):
raise NoCalendarManager, cm_spec
# instantiate the CM
return CalendarManager.CM('0@'+machine+'_CalendarManager@sunrpc_100068_3|udp_'+machine+'_'+str(cm_port), None)
# end of module findCM
