Re: Including files

Joe English (
Fri, 10 Jun 1994 15:13:27 -0700 wrote:

[re: addressing part of a document]
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <h2><a name="vending">Internet Vending Machines</a></h2>
> In the mid-1970s some brilliant student at Carnegie Mellon University got
> (more)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> should be instead:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <a name="vending">
> <h2>Internet Vending Machines</h2>
> [...]
> (more)
> </a>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> That way I could easily say <include src="street.cred.html#vending">
> and never have to worry about conflicting head or body tags.

HTML 3.0 (htmlplus? The one Dave Raggett's working on)
provides for:

<div2 id=vending>
<h2>Internet Veding Machines</h2>

This is a little cleaner: you don't need to put
an entire section inside the <A> element (which
isn't even legal right now, and would significantly
complicate the content model if it were.)

I like that scheme better; <A> is *only* used as a link
source, and any other element may be desginated as a link
destination by adding an 'ID' attribute. This is also closer
to the HyTime model of linking.

--Joe English