Drupal 2.0.0, 2001-03-15 ------------------------ - rewrote the comment/discussion code: * comment navigation should be less confusing now. * additional/alternative display and order methods have been added. * modules can be extended with a "comment system": modules can embed the existing comment system without having to write their own, duplicate comment system. - added sections and section manager: * story sections can be maintained from the administration pages. * story sections make the open submission more adaptive in that you can set individual post, dump and expiration thresholds for each section according to the story type and urgency level: stories in certain sections do not "expire" and might stay interesting and active as time passes by, whereas news-related stories are only considered "hot" over a short period of time. - multiple vhosts + multiple directories: * you can setup multiple Drupal sites on top of the same physical source tree either by using vhosts or sub-directories. - added "user ratings" similar to SlashCode's Karma or Scoop's Mojo: * all rating logic is packed into a module to ease experimenting with different rating heuristics/algorithms. - added "search infrastructure": * improved search page and integrated search functionality in the administration pages. - added translation / localization / internationalization support: * because many people would love to see their website showing a lot less of English, and far more of their own language, Drupal provides a framework to setup a multi-lingual website or to overwrite the default English text in English. - added fine-grained user permission (or group) system: * users can be granted access to specific administration sections. Example: a FAQ maintainer can be given access to maintain the FAQ and translators can be given access to the translation pages. - added FAQ module - changed the "open submission queue" into a (optional) module. - various updates: * improved account module: + user accounts can be deleted. + added fine-grained permission support. * improved block module * improved diary module: + diary entries can be deleted * improved headline module: + improved parser to support more "generic" RDF/RSS/XML backend. * improved module module * improved watchdog module * improved database abstraction layer * improved themes: + W3C validation on a best effort basis + added theme "example" (alias "Stone Age") * added new scripts to directory "scripts" * added directory "misc" * added CREDITS file - revised documentation Drupal 1.0.0, 2001-01-15 ------------------------ - initial release